<div class="cave">\
Hello, Dolores.
I see you've [[woken up|Wake2b]].
<div class="cave">\
Maybe I'm just a voice in the dark.
Your cavesuit's comms unit is broken, incidentally.
In case you were thinking of calling for help.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "That's a good idea. Maybe I can get a signal.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you a caver too?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Whob")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Do you know how the unit works? I'll check it again.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you stuck here too? I'll get help for both of us.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I don't like the sound of this. Tell me who you are.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoCynic")\
(set: $status1who to true)
}<div class="cave">\
Don't you remember the cave-in?
You were the first to abseil down. <em>Brave</em> little canary.
The roof collapsed and your team couldn't pull you out in time.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I remember. I feel sticky. Everything hurts.")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $statusHappened to "craven")\
(go-to: "Happened2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "My team. Sera, Gil, Olef... are they safe?")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $statusHappened to "altruistic")\
(go-to: "Happened2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'm injured. I need to stabilise my wounds...")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $statusHappened to "proactive")\
(go-to: "Happened2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I need my backpack. It has medikits. Have you got it?")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $statusHappened to "cynic")\
(go-to: "Happened2")\
<div class="cave">\
Liar. I made myself familiar with your possessions as you slept.
You have nothing.
You can't even see in the [[dark.|WhoPart2Cynicb]]\
<div class="cave">\
You may call me [Misery. ]<reveal|{(click: ?reveal)\
[An inside joke, darling. For my amusement, not yours.]}
Misery's a perfectly good name, isn't it?
Everyone loves a name.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Will you be offended if I say it's unusual?|Who6]]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Interesting. Did you choose it yourself?")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who6Cynic")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Why hide your identity? That's not your real name, is it?")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who6Cynic")\
{<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/water_water_drip_single.mp3" autoplay>}
<div class="cave">\
Yes. That's better.
Humility. The honest kind.
You're in pain. You've lost your friends. You're bleeding heavily and desperately need to return to safety.
Honesty delights me more than flesh. (if: $cynic >=3)[Or hard-nosed bravado. ] (if: $curious >=3)[Or non-stop questions. ] (if: $proactive >=3)[Or exhausting heroics. ] (if: $craven >=3)[Or endless tales of woe, woe, woe. ](if: $altruistic >=3)[Or - ugh - crawling empathy. ]
This is fun.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[That's not the word I'd use.|Who4]]\
<div class="cave">\
Oh, Dolores.
Those with unusual names grow weary of being told their names are such.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[I apologise. Did you choose it yourself?|Who7]]\
<div class="cave">\
Ah. Now there is a good question.
I chose the name myself. But I was pulled to do so by forces [beyond my control.]<reveal|{
(click: ?reveal)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)
I... I simply mean that circumstances forced me to change my name. Though I'm very happy with the end result.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "What do you mean?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who8")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "You were forced to give yourself a new name? Who forced you?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who8")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd love to hear more. Perhaps we should get to safety first.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(go-to: "Who10")\
<div class="cave">\
I... can?
I can help. Yes.
Here's the thing, Dolores.
You look so [[succulent and frail|Help2]] right now.
<div class="cave">\
Fun is subjective.
We're having a nice chat, aren't we?
Just a couple of chums having fun in the dark!
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[You say we're friends. I still don't know your name.|WhoMisery]]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Have we met before? Do I already know you?")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoMisery")\
<div id="titleImageWrap">\
<div class="titleImageContainer">\
|begin>[<img class="titleArtImage" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/dolores-and-the-cave-title-art-300px.png">](click: ?begin)[(goto: "Difficulty")]<br>\
<div class="titleArt">\
|button>[[[Enter the cave|Difficulty]]]\
<p class="sound">(align: "=><=")[REQUIRES SOUND]</p>\
(set: $cynic to 0)\
(set: $proactive to 0)\
(set: $curious to 0)\
(set: $craven to 0)\
(set: $altruistic to 0)\
(set: $impress to 0)\
(set: $careCave to 0)\
(set: $DeathCount to 0)\
(set: $Death1 to 0)\
(set: $Death2 to 0)\
(set: $Death3 to 0)\
(set: $Death4 to 0)\
(set: $Death5 to 0)\
(set: $Death6 to 0)\
(set: $Death7 to 0)\
(set: $Death8 to 0)\
<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/articulated_GHOSTS-Tremor-Deconstructed-RealityLR.mp3" autoplay>\
{<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/cavein-trailer-2.mp3" autoplay>}
A.t['title song'].loop(true).volume(0.5);
A.t['title song'].play();
<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/articulated_GHOSTS-Tremor-Deconstructed-RealityLR.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 12s)[(goto: "Wake2")]<div class="cave">\
Now do you believe me?
Your. Transmission. Device. Is. Broken.
I'm swift to anger, Dolores. \
(if: $curious >=2)[Especially if you weary me with facile questions. ]\
(if: $cynic >=2)[Especially if you paint me as incompetent, or a liar. ]\
(if: $craven >=2)[Doubly so if you insist on mewling like a newborn babe. ]\
(if: $proactive >=2)[Even a can-do attitude can test my patience. ]\
(if: $altruistic >=2)[The more you try the Pollyanna act, the greater my contempt grows. ]\
(else:)[Don't bore me. Don't waste my time.]
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
{<div class="response">\
(if: $status1happened is true and $status1who is true)[[[How do you know my name? Who are you?|WhyShouldITellYou]]](elseif: $status1happened is false and $status1who is true)[[[I don't understand. What happened?|Happened]]]\
<div class="cave">\
Now, now! Don't get too greedy!
Knowledge must be earned, Dolores.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Why do you talk in circles?|Who9]]\
<div class="cave">\
For the sheer joy of it! To quicken your blood, and whet my appetite!
Games and power, [[what a rush|Who9b]]!
<div class="cave">\
What if you did have a gun, Dolores?
Where would you point it?
How many bullets could you fire into empty space before [[I reached you?|WhoPart3]]
<div class="cave">\
I suggest you rethink our relationship.
As threats go, I'm insurmountable.
You had best learn to view me as your only hope.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Please help me. I need to get out of here.|Who3]]\
<div class="response">\
[[You'd better stay away from me. My rescue team will be here at any moment.|Death9]]\
<div class="cave">\
No, my dear.
Haha! The very idea!
I'm not a caver. Just someone in a cave.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I see. I think I'd better test the comms myself.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Reception can vary. I'll extend the signal range...")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "The darkness is closing in. May I try the signal again?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Don't worry. We'll find a signal together and get help soon.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'll rotate the channels. Who knows what signals we'll find?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I don't like the sound of this. Tell me who you are.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoCynic")\
<div class="cave">\
(if: $statusHappened is "cynic") [\
Why would I want your backpack, dear? You need its medikits more than I do. You're weak. I'm not.
It's somewhere in the rubble, I expect.
At least you're alive. If I were you, I'd try to keep it that way.]\
(if: $statusHappened is "craven") [\
You disgust me, Dolores. The weeping and wailing of you. You've only just woken from your fall, and already your hero's sheen has rubbed away!
If only you could see what an utter mess you are.
I can smell your blood from here.
Now you're stranded in the dark. With me.
(elseif: $statusHappened is "altruistic") [\
Sera, Gil, Olef...
Oh, the care you took to name them! Hilarious!
Is this an awards ceremony, with tears and thanks in all the right places? No. It's a cave.
Your team are safe above. You, however, are a mess. I can smell your blood from here.
I'm your only audience now, sweetness. Oho! Tough crowd.
(elseif: $statusHappened is "proactive") [\
Heroic Dolores! Charging into action, strong of body and mind!
If only you could see what a mess you are. I smell your blood from here.
You'll need the medikits in your mislaid backpack to attend to your wounds. But I don't plan on scrabbling around for it.
I'm far too comfortable (link-reveal: "where I am.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
Right beside you, dear heart. Though not close enough to touch.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
{(set: $status1happened to true)
(if: $status1happened is true and $status1who is true)[[[How do you know my name? Who are you?|WhyShouldITellYou]]] (elseif: $status1happened is true and $status1who is false)[[[Who are you?|Who]]]\
PASSAGE: (print: (passage:)'s name)
cynic: (print:$cynic)
proactive: (print:$proactive)
curious: (print:$curious)
craven: (print:$craven)
altruistic: (print:$altruistic)
impress: (print:$impress)
careCave: (print:$careCave)
DeathCount: (print:$DeathCount)
nameChance: (print:$nameChance)<div class="cave">\
How do I know your name? That would be telling, little one!
Introductions are gauche. And so revealing.
Why <em>should</em> I tell you who I am?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I need to set my mind at rest. You see why, surely?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoPart2Craven")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Introductions will help us work together to get out of here.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoPart2Proactive")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "It's all fun and games to you? Treat your name as a clue.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoPart2Curious")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Reveal yourself in good faith. Or because I'm armed.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoPart2Cynic")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you hungry? Afraid? I'll help you, if you'll let me.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "WhoPart2Altruistic")\
<div class="cave">\
Haha! Oho!
Yes, I <em>do</em> like games!
Games are more fun when you have a worthy opponent.
Is that <em>you</em>, Dolores?
Because I don't like you. In fact, I can't stand you.
But as an opponent you may prove to have some [[worth. |WhoPart2Curiousb]]
<div class="cave">\
A little honesty among friends?
I find your terror repugnant, Dolores.
I cannot bear the weakness of it. I cannot bear <em>you</em>.
[[And yet...|WhoPart2Cravenb]]
<div class="cave">\
Aren't you just the most precious thing?
I'm hardly afraid. This cave is my home. I like it here.
Hungry? Oh, there's a question!
Your blood smells cloying-rich as incense. I'm building an appetite. So. If you're offering...
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Can you help me? I need to get out of here.|Who3]]\
<div class="response">\
[[You'd better stay away from me. My rescue team will be here at any moment.|Death9]]\
<div class="cave">\
Dutiful, dour little Dolores.
You <em>are</em> a dry little fig, aren't you? Your focus on priorities is endearing in its lack of charm. So leathery-sweet.
You wish to know me, little hero? So that we may... as you say... <em>work</em> together?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Yes. An introduction makes sense to me.|WhoMisery]]\
<div class="cave">\
You want to survive so much, don't you?
Your need outstinks your wounds. So pungent and reviving; one could bottle it. You could be my bottle.
I could grow to find your vulnerability endearing, in time. Or increasingly foul.
I haven't decided yet.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Please help me. I need to get out of here.|Who3]]\
|button>[[[Seek a signal|CheckSignal]]] <div class="cave">\
What is the actual point of you, Dolores?
What can you offer me, other than meat?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Is life dull down here? We can chat. Cabbages and kings.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $curiousOffer to true)
(go-to: "Offerings2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Find and keep my backpack. I'll fix any broken equipment.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $proactiveOffer to true)
(go-to: "Offerings2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "The hunt is what thrills you. Give me a chance, or it's too easy.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $cynicOffer to true)
(go-to: "Offerings2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "What do you want most, Misery? Let me live and it's yours.")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $cravenOffer to true)
(go-to: "Offerings2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Poor Misery. So alone. Let's talk. Properly.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $altruisticOffer to true)
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Offerings2")\
(set: $rewardsIntroChoice to false)\
(set: $rewardsExitChoice to false)\
(set: $rewardsPityChoice to false)\
(set: $rewardsMedicChoice to false)\
<div class="cave">\
{(if: $curiousOffer is true) [\
Cabbages and kings? Bless you, Dolores. You've made an effort to understand me. Though I'm not so shallow as to [only]<reveal| crave entertainment. (click: ?reveal)[(set: $impress to it + 1)<br /><br />I like the finer things in life, too. A thirst for truth and knowledge. Meaningful discourse. And the fine art of hunting prey in this maze of tunnels, of course.]
<br /><br />
Don't. Box. Me. In.]}{(if: $proactiveOffer is true) [\
I like things. I suppose.
Things that snap and bend.
<br /><br />
Things can be fun. For a time. Until they break.]}{(if: $cravenOffer is true) [\
You'll offer it all on a plate, won't you? Anything to save your own skin.
I understand, duckling. Survival is precious, yes - but it doesn't make life sweet. What's a lost finger or two compared to the loss of...?]}{(elseif: $cynicOffer is true) [\
Oh, poppet. You're all mangled. It's hardly a fair fight.
<br /><br />
But you're right; we can sit here and hunt each other even as we chat like two old friends! There's no need to scuffle like beasts [through the tunnels.]<reveal2|(click: ?reveal2) [(set: $impress to it + 1) Indeed, darling. Tunnels. This cosy place boasts more than one exit.]
]}{(elseif: $altruisticOffer is true) [\
Oh. Even when your skin is on the line, you're inclined to consider my welfare?
Well. I wasn't expecting that. Not [down here in the dark]<reveal3|, certainly. (click: ?reveal3) [(set: $impress to it + 1)<br><br>In this pitch-black warren, every wrong turning could be your last. There's no room for putting others first.<br><br>Survival is what counts down here. And I <em>respect</em> that.<br><br>But your approach is somewhat refreshing.]
<br /><br />
Your sincerity seems almost... sincere.
<br /><br />
But... perhaps you <em>do</em> have something sweeter than flesh to trade.
Name a gift in return for your desperate offer of (if: $curiousOffer is true)[entertainment in the dark] (elseif: $cynicOffer is true)[the thrill of the chase] (elseif: $altruisticOffer is true)[a shoulder to cry on] (elseif: $cravenOffer is true)[your body and soul] (elseif: $proactiveOffer is true)[your caving equipment]...
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "A way out. No lies, no games, just clear directions.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsExitChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsExit1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Tell me who you are. Who's behind the name, Misery?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsIntroChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsIntro1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Medical aid. My wounds need stabilising, and soon.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsMedicChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsMedic1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Swear on whatever you hold dear that you won't eat me.")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsPityChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsPity1")\
<div class="cave">\
Now, now.
There's a way out. More than one. But you have to earn it. You haven't impressed me yet.
[[Pick another gift!|remainingChoices]]
<div class="cave">\
No, poppet.
Maybe you want to help me. Maybe you're just an awful Nosy Parker. Either way, my trust must be earned - but the prize is worth it.
The truth shall set you free, Dolores!
Or end you.
Now [[pick another gift!|remainingChoices]]
<div class="cave">\
Aha! Medical aid? Now that I <em>can</em> do.
You clearly need it, duckling!
How oozy and sticky you are. How snap, crackle and pop your bones be. You stink of approaching flatline.
There's good news for [you...]<reveal|(click: ?reveal) [(set: $curious to it + 1) I've located your backpack! With medikits aplenty!]
And some good news for [me too.]<reveal2|(click: ?reveal2) [(set: $impress to it + 1)(set: $careCave to it + 1)(set: $curious to it + 1) In return for giving you aid, I must insist on first licking away the blood from your wounds. While raw flesh and blood isn't my only source of nourishment, I think we can all agree it's delicious. And I deserve a treat!]
Your offer of (if: $curiousOffer is true)[entertainment] (elseif: $cynicOffer is true)[good hunting] (elseif: $altruisticOffer is true)[a shoulder to cry on] (elseif: $cravenOffer is true)[your body and soul] (elseif: $proactiveOffer is true)[your caving equipment] is of no use to me. Let me lick away your blood, and I'll give you the medical aid you seek.
I promise I won't devour you. Yet.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I won't do it.")[\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "RewardsMedic2no")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Very well.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "RewardsMedic2yes")\
<div class="cave">\
Very well, little wriggler.
I won't eat you.
But I'm a liar.
That was a wasted gift, if you ask me.
Now [[pick another!|remainingChoices]]
{<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/slurp2.mp3" autoplay>}
<div class="cave">\
Bad luck, Dolores.
It's going to happen anyway.
Just be thankful I'm not eating you.
Mmm. Yes.
{<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/slurp2.mp3" autoplay>}
<div class="cave">\
What a good little egg you are.
Hold still, now. Let me have a lick.
Mmm. Yes.
<div class="cave">\
Well? My generous offer won't last forever.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
(if: $rewardsExitChoice is false)[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "A way out of here, then. No lies, no games, just clear directions.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsExitChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsExit1")\
(if: $rewardsMedicChoice is false)[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Medical aid? My wounds need stabilising and I think my leg is broken.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsMedicChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsMedic1")\
(if: $rewardsPityChoice is false)[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Whatever happens, you must promise not to eat me.")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsPityChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsPity1")\
(if: $rewardsIntroChoice is false)[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Tell me who you really are. Let's get to know each other better.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $rewardsIntroChoice to true)\
(go-to: "RewardsIntro1")\
(if: $rewardsExitChoice is true and $rewardsIntroChoice is true and $rewardsPityChoice is true and $rewardsMedicChoice is true)[\
(go-to: "stayOrGo")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Let's end this. I'm getting out of here, like it or not.")[\
(go-to: "Death1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "What now, Misery? I let you lick my wounds. Are we quits?")[\
(set: $quits to true)\
(go-to: "NextChoice")\
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death1 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death1 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
You openly reject me? Then we're done here.
Think carefully about your next move, or you'll <em>never</em> get to know how much I care.
For I do care, Dolores.
Let me come closer and whisper your fate in your ear.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay away from me!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Tell me what you have in mind... but keep your distance.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me a chance to prove myself to you.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "But then I'll never know who you really are. Let me try again.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
So it's already time to part ways? So soon?
I can't give you endless chances to redeem yourself, you know. Or constantly gloss over your faux-pas. It's exhausting. And, frankly, embarrassing for you.
Before we take our leave of each other, I must ask you something.
Imagine one of your team mates was here and I killed them right in front of you.
What would you do?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hurt you. Destroy you. Need you even ask?")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 10)\
(go-to: "DeathCynic1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hurt me if you must... but leave them out of it.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 10)\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Why on earth would you pick a scenario like this?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 10)\
(go-to: "DeathCurious1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "My choice will be more effective if I don't tell you first.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 10)\
(go-to: "DeathProactive1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Would I even have time to grieve before you killed me?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 10)\
(go-to: "DeathCraven1")\
<div class="cave">\
Ah, well. I'm going to scoop you up now, Dolores. Don't worry. You won't need to walk for this next bit. I'll scoop you up and carry you.
I'm thrilled to announce I've decided your fate, and it suits your nature perfectly.
There's a place I want to show you. It's only a little way through these tunnels.
[[Come along.|DeathCynic2]]
<div class="cave">\
Ah, well. I'm going to scoop you up now, Dolores. Don't worry. You won't need to walk for this next bit. I'll scoop you up and carry you.
I'm thrilled to announce I've decided your fate, and it suits your nature perfectly.
There's a place I want to show you. It's only a little way through these tunnels.
[[Come along.|DeathCurious2]]
<div class="cave">\
Ah, well. I'm going to scoop you up now, Dolores. Don't worry. You won't need to walk for this next bit. I'll scoop you up and carry you.
I'm thrilled to announce I've decided your fate, and it suits your nature perfectly.
There's a place I want to show you. It's only a little way through these tunnels.
[[Come along.|DeathAltruistic2]]
<div class="cave">\
Ah, well. I'm going to scoop you up now, Dolores. Don't worry. You won't need to walk for this next bit. I'll scoop you up and carry you.
I'm thrilled to announce I've decided your fate, and it suits your nature perfectly.
There's a place I want to show you. It's only a little way through these tunnels.
[[Come along.|DeathCraven2]]
<div class="cave">\
Ah, well. I'm going to scoop you up now, Dolores. Don't worry. You won't need to walk for this next bit. I'll scoop you up and carry you.
I'm thrilled to announce I've decided your fate, and it suits your nature perfectly.
There's a place I want to show you. It's only a little way through these tunnels.
[[Come along.|DeathProactive2]]
<div class="cave">\
{(if: $quits is true)[We're not quits. Not yet. Stick around, and maybe we can get properly chummy. Or I'll let you go. If you're <em>very</em> lucky.]
(if: $quits2 is true)[Ah. I'm so glad you saw sense. Are you beginning to care for me the way I care for you? Stick around, and maybe we can get properly chummy. Or I'll let you go. If you're <em>very</em> lucky.]}
Yes, my dear! Abide with me a little longer, for I am... [[warming to you!|NextChoiceb]]
(set: $name to (history:)'s last)
(if: $name is "Death1")[
(go-to: "NextChoice")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death1")[
(go-to: "NextChoice")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death1")[
(go-to: "NextChoice")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death1")[
(go-to: "NextChoice")
(if: $name is "Death2")[
(go-to: "NextChoiceSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death2")[
(go-to: "NextChoiceSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death2")[
(go-to: "NextChoiceSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death2")[
(go-to: "NextChoiceSecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death3")[
(go-to: "FingerSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death3")[
(go-to: "FingerSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death3")[
(go-to: "FingerSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death3")[
(go-to: "FingerSecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death4")[
(go-to: "FingerYesSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death4")[
(go-to: "FingerYesSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death4")[
(go-to: "FingerYesSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death4")[
(go-to: "FingerYesSecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death5")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death5")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death5")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death5")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death6")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death6")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death6")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death6")[
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)
(go-to: "Know3SecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death7")[
(go-to: "WhoCynicSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death7")[
(go-to: "WhoCynicSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death7")[
(go-to: "WhoCynicSecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death7")[
(go-to: "WhoCynicSecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death8")[
(go-to: "Help1SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death8")[
(go-to: "Help1SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death8")[
(go-to: "Help1SecondChance")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death8")[
(go-to: "Help1SecondChance")
(if: $name is "Death9")[
(go-to: "Who3")
(if: $name is "DeathCynicHope" and (history:) contains "Death9")[
(go-to: "Who3")
(if: $name is "DeathAltruisticHope" and (history:) contains "Death9")[
(go-to: "Who3")
(if: $name is "DeathCuriousHope" and (history:) contains "Death9")[
(go-to: "Who3")
] (set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death2 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death2 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
You openly reject me? Then we're done here.
Think carefully about your next move, or you'll <em>never</em> get to know how much I care.
For I do care, Dolores.
Let me come closer and whisper your fate in your ear.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay away from me!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Tell me more about your terms for revealing yourself... but keep your distance.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me a chance to prove myself to you.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I really want to know who you are, though. Please tell me more.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
My terms, then. Something for me, something for you.
I <em>will</em> share my true identity with you, Dolores. It's important to us both. But this inane conversation fatigues me.
You must offer me sustenance in return.
Let us say... a finger.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "No! Stay back! Keep away from me!")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(go-to: "Death3")\
{(if: (history:) contains "Finger1")[]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "A finger? Why not, say, a big toe?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finger1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've no choice, I take it? I can spare a finger.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you really so desperate for food? Okay. I'll... I'll help.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hmm. Did you have appetites like these before you lived here?")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "NextChoiceFlesh")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "If you set me free I could find you better food. There are farms up there. Supermarkets...")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "NextChoiceFlesh")\
<div class="cave">\
You... you overcame your base nature and believed me when I told you the truth?
Maybe we can be friends after all.
Let's go back to where we were. Let's chat some more.
[[Come along...|SecondChance]]
<div class="cave">\
You... you overcame your natural instincts to remain by my side?
Maybe we can be friends after all.
Let's go back to where we were. Let's chat some more.
[[Come along...|SecondChance]]
<div class="cave">\
You... you somehow overcame your wearying concern for others to place yourself first?
Maybe we can be friends after all.
Let's go back to where we were. Let's chat some more.
[[Come along...|SecondChance]]
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death3 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death3 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
You openly reject me? All for a paltry finger? Then we're done here.
Think carefully about your next move, or you'll <em>never</em> get to know how much I care.
For I do care, Dolores.
Let me come closer and whisper your fate in your ear.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay away from me!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me more time to think about this deal with the finger.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me a chance to prove myself to you.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Look, about this finger. Maybe I can help after all. ")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
{(if: (history:) contains "Finger1")[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "A finger? Why not, say, a big toe?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finger1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've no choice, I take it? I can spare a finger.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you really so desperate for food? Okay. I'll... I'll help.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="cave">\
Don't be ridiculous. You can spare a finger. You can live your whole life quite happily without it. Consuming your big toe could potentially lead to problems with balance, with locomotion.
I'm thinking of your <em>health</em>, Dolores.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "No! Stay back! Keep away from me!")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(go-to: "Death3")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've no choice, I take it? I can spare a finger.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you really so desperate for food? Okay. I'll... I'll help.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="cave">\
Excellent. Don't worry, I'll set and cauterise it beautifully.
We'll pick a finger on your non-dominant hand, of course. I'm not a monster.
Which finger?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Whichever finger you like.")[\
(set: $careCave to it + 5)\
(set: $impress to it - 3)\
(set: $finger1 to "index")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Little finger.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $finger1 to "little")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Ring finger.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $finger1 to "ring")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Middle finger.")[\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $finger1 to "middle")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Index finger.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $finger1 to "index")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "This is too horrible. I can't go through with it.")[\
(go-to: "Death4")\
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death4 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death4 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
Why must you taunt me this way, Dolores? Why must you be so fickle?
Think carefully about your next move, or you'll <em>never</em> get to know how much I care.
For I do care, Dolores.
Let me come closer and whisper your fate in your ear.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay away from me!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Tell me more about the deal with the finger.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me a chance to prove myself to you.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Look, about this finger. Maybe I can help after all. Tell me more.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
Good. There's no need to be so silly about this. As I said before, I'll set and cauterise things beautifully.
I'll choose a finger on your non-dominant hand, of course. I'm not a monster.
Which finger?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Whichever finger you like.")[\
(set: $careCave to it + 5)\
(set: $finger1 to "index")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Little finger.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $finger1 to "little")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Ring finger.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $finger1 to "ring")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Middle finger.")[\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $finger1 to "middle")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Index finger.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $finger1 to "index")\
(go-to: "FingerEat1")\
<div class="cave">\
Offering me your (print: $finger1) finger wasn't easy. In return, I shall put on my best bedside manner for you.
Hold still, please.
This won't hurt a bit!
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/long-eating.mp3" autoplay>]\
(live:8s)[(go-to: "Fainted")]\
<img class="clock" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/dolores-clock.png">\
<div class="cave">\
I <em>will</em> share my true identity with you, Dolores. But, like I said, you must offer me something in return. Some form of sustenance.
Let us say... a finger.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
{(if: (history:) contains "Finger1")[]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "A finger? Why not, say, a big toe?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finger1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've no choice, I take it? I can spare a finger.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you really so desperate for food? Okay. I'll... I'll help.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hmm. Did you have appetites like these before you lived here?")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "NextChoiceFlesh")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "If you set me free I could find you better food. There are farms up there. Supermarkets...")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "NextChoiceFlesh")\
{(set: $bleedFear to false)}
<div class="cave">\
Welcome back, Dolores. You passed out for a moment there.
I've cleaned your wound and stopped the bleeding. And lovingly administered painkillers, too. You're so frail. Always feeling useless things like grief and fear and pain, aren't you?
There were some [[biscuits|Faintedb]] in your backpack, too.
<div class="cave">\
(if: $bleedFear is true)[No. I said I'd stopped the bleeding. Don't be such a crybaby.
A (print: $finger1) finger is worth something, though it's not as sweet a treat as the whole of you. So I will tell you this.
We [know]<reveal| each other, you and I.
{(click: ?reveal)\
In fact, I'd say I know you rather well. Much better than you know <em>me</em>, poppet.
I was there when you looked down into this cave and demanded to be the first to abseil through the opening.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Only my team was there. I trust them. Did you spy on us?|Identity2]]\
<div class="cave">\
No, Dolores. I'm not a [spy.]<reveal|(click: ?reveal)\
[ Nor am I a tinker, tailor, soldier or corporate assassin, in case your thoughts were straying that way.]
A truth, then. I was there when you lost your virginity at 18. You told your best friends you'd lost it at 16. They knew you were lying.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Oh, no. You're an embittered ex. Or are you a stalker?|Identity3]]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "You have to be lying. Or delusional.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Identity3Cynic")\
<div class="cave">\
Please. The very notion makes me nauseous. I don't regard you in that way.
I was there when you stole money from a babysitter at the age of 11 to feed an unfortunate addiction to pointless objects.
Chris, their name was. They had always been so kind to you.
You've long since lost the loot, but can't shake off the memory.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[You're not someone in my family, are you?|Identity4]]\
<div class="cave">\
The easy answer is "no".
I was there when you were seven weeks old. Still in the womb, you understand. No more sentient than soup.
I won't say you killed your twin, but she showed up on the first ultrasound and never showed up on the [[second one|Identity4b]].
<div class="cave">\
I beg your pardon?
What sphere of reality do you inhabit, Dolores?
Of course I'm not your twin.
At what point did I not make myself clear?
Your dead twin is [[dead.|Identity5b]]
<div class="cave">\
Right. That's it.
I'm all worn out with clues. Lord knows I've tried.
If you haven't grasped who I am by now, there's no point to you.
Let's try something else. A jolly little game of <em>what if</em>.
Riddle me this, dear heart.
How would you respond if a somewhat powerful alien gave you the opportunity to join their [hive-mind]<reveal| or die? {
(click: ?reveal)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
Oh, you know. Like what ants have. Or animals with hives. Bees, I suppose. People joined in one single thinking collective, more than the sum of its parts. Stop stalling for time. Answer my question.]}
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Coercion? Not on my watch.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "cynic")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've always wondered what a hive-mind would be like.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "curious")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Your question's more interesting than my answer. Why ask it?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Identity6c")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hive-minds sound utopian. No more lies or war.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "altruistic")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd be willing to explore a hive-mind's pros and cons.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "proactive")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Is it true that in a hive-mind you'd never feel alone again?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "craven")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Forget clues. You said you'd tell me who you are.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Identity6b")\
<div class="cave">\
Doesn't it worry you, how breakable you are?
There we go. Medikits applied. Kiss it better.
Now [[pick another gift!|remainingChoices]]\
<div class="cave">\
{(if: $identity7 is "cynic")[Strong of you. In my case, I didn't have time to retaliate.]
(if: $identity7 is "curious")[So intriguing, isn't it? And I got to find out!]
(if: $identity7 is "altruistic")[You're not wrong, my darling. They're an absolute gas. Non-stop joy, forever and ever.]
(if: $identity7 is "proactive")[I'm glad you're keeping an open mind on this. In my case, I had to throw caution to the wind.]
(if: $identity7 is "craven")[Yes, flutterheart. It's true. You're never alone again. I can confirm it's a non-stop soiree where only the best people attend.]}
Because... just imagine, Dolores. It happened to lucky old me!
I was once a caver, like you. One fine day I abseiled into this very cave, all pumped up and juicy at the prospect of endeavour. You know how it is.
Then I was grabbed from below by something so strong that it made the cave [[collapse|Identity7b]].
<div class="cave">\
I'm getting there. I'm warming up to it. We're nearly at the centre of the maze, so don't you go spoiling things.
Now. Answer. My. Question.
How would you respond if an alien demanded you join their hive-mind or die?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Coercion? Not on my watch.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "cynic")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've always wondered what a hive-mind would be like.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "curious")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hive-minds sound utopian. No more lies or war.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "altruistic")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd be willing to explore a hive-mind's pros and cons.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "proactive")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Is it true that in a hive-mind you'd never feel alone again?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "craven")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="cave">\
It ate some of my consciousness.
No, not my memory, or my greed, or anything like that. Think of it in terms of percentages.
It ate, say, around 20% of my soul.
Just like that.
I passed out from the horror of it.
[[And then, Dolores...|Identity9]]
<div class="cave">\
I was at one with the alien.
I'd never felt better in my life. Oh, the speed and strength and smarts of us. Why fight it? It all felt too lovely for words.
And we agreed, together, that it would be fun to [[toy with the rest of me.|Identity9b]]
<div class="cave">\
We found the remainder of me, that sad sack of 80% essence wrapped up in a meaty shell. It hadn't fared too well. All broken and oozy from a cave-in.
{(if: $cynic > $proactive and $cynic > $curious and $cynic > $craven and $cynic > $altruistic) [It was rather defensive about things. Quite amusingly spiky about its predicament, really. At least it had showed some spirit.](elseif: $proactive > $cynic and $proactive > $curious and $proactive > $craven and $proactive > $altruistic) [It was amusingly determined to escape its predicament, acting as if a solution could always be found. One had to admire such doggedness. ](elseif: $curious > $cynic and $curious > $proactive and $curious > $craven and $curious > $altruistic) [It was keeping a remarkably positive outlook, all things said and done. Maybe curiosity didn't kill the cat after all.](elseif: $craven > $cynic and $craven > $proactive and $craven > $curious and $craven > $altruistic) [It was feeling ridiculously scared and sorry for itself. Poor little meatsack. Enough to melt one's heart.](elseif: $altruistic > $cynic and $altruistic > $proactive and $altruistic > $curious and $altruistic > $craven) [It was somehow still capable of considering our welfare in the midst of its own predicament. What a gracious and good-tempered little meatsack it had turned out to be.](else:) [It was feeling very sorry for itself.]}
The alien and I made a secret pact that we would give that wretch three choices.
[[Three is a magic number, after all.|Identity11]]
(set: $recentPlast to (history:)'s last)
(if: $recentPlace is "Know3SecondChance")[\
(set: $careCave to it - 1)\
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death5 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death5 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
What? I even left you a clue in introducing myself as 'Misery'. But you still don't know my name?
You haven't tried to get to know me one <em>bit</em>.
You <em>deserve</em> your fate.
Stay where you are. I shall draw closer and whisper it in your ear...
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Very well. I'll listen...")[\
(if: $cynic > $proactive and $cynic > $curious and $cynic > $craven and $cynic > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCynic1")\
](elseif: $proactive > $cynic and $proactive > $curious and $proactive > $craven and $proactive > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathProactive1")\
](elseif: $curious > $cynic and $curious > $proactive and $curious > $craven and $curious > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCurious1")\
](elseif: $craven > $cynic and $craven > $proactive and $craven > $curious and $craven > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCraven1")\
](elseif: $altruistic > $cynic and $altruistic > $proactive and $altruistic > $curious and $altruistic > $craven) [\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic1")\
](else:) [\
(go-to: "DeathConfirmCharacter")]\
(if: $nameChance >= 3)[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Let me try again.")[\
(if: $cynic > $proactive and $cynic > $curious and $cynic > $craven and $cynic > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCynic1")\
](elseif: $proactive > $cynic and $proactive > $curious and $proactive > $craven and $proactive > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathProactive1")\
](elseif: $curious > $cynic and $curious > $proactive and $curious > $craven and $curious > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCurious1")\
](elseif: $craven > $cynic and $craven > $proactive and $craven > $curious and $craven > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCraven1")\
](elseif: $altruistic > $cynic and $altruistic > $proactive and $altruistic > $curious and $altruistic > $craven) [\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic1")\
](else:) [\
(go-to: "DeathConfirmCharacter")]\
(elseif: $nameChance < 3)[\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Let me try again.")[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Say what you like - but do it from over there.")[\
(if: $cynic > $proactive and $cynic > $curious and $cynic > $craven and $cynic > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCynic1")\
](elseif: $proactive > $cynic and $proactive > $curious and $proactive > $craven and $proactive > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathProactive1")\
](elseif: $curious > $cynic and $curious > $proactive and $curious > $craven and $curious > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCurious1")\
](elseif: $craven > $cynic and $craven > $proactive and $craven > $curious and $craven > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCraven1")\
](elseif: $altruistic > $cynic and $altruistic > $proactive and $altruistic > $curious and $altruistic > $craven) [\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic1")\
](else:) [\
(go-to: "DeathConfirmCharacter")]\
<div class="cave">\
Of course I'm not. You gave me your (print: $finger1) finger. Maybe not the finger I most desired, but... you gave it to me. Almost freely.
I'm telling you the <em>truth</em>.
For the record, I'm not an ex-lover either, in case you were pondering. Nor am I in any way obssessed with your virginity or your lack thereof.
Back onto the subject of me. Do you remember me, Dolores?
I was there when you stole money from a babysitter at the age of 11 to feed an unfortunate addiction to pointless objects. Chris, their name was. They had always been so kind to you.
You've long since lost the loot, but can't shake off the memory.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[You're not someone in my family, are you?|Identity4]]\
<div class="cave">\
Here we are.
Before us lie [two tunnels. ]<reveal|{
(click: ?reveal)\
[Yes. They're really there. Here, feel their openings. \
The left one leads to the surface. You can drag yourself to safety, I'm sure.
The right tunnel leads to... well, you'll perish. Let's leave it at that, poppet.
So. Which tunnel will you take?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Left tunnel.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCynicHope")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Right tunnel.")[\
(set: $impress to it - 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathCynic3")\
<div class="cave">\
Hahahaha! Funny little Dolores!
You couldn't bear the thought of me being truthful, could you? You could never imagine I'd guide you to freedom. Well, I did. And you couldn't believe I'd been honest about which tunnel led to the surface, because you're a dour little beast with no magic in your heart.
Eating you will be a pleasure, Dolores.
Yes. I will eat every bit of you. And when you're eliminated from my body hours later I will eat you again, just because I can.
And you'll never know what we could have been together, you and I.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'm ready. Give me a moment. Let me think good thoughts.")[\
(go-to: "DeathCynic4")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Give me a second chance, Misery. I'll make this right.")[\
(go-to: "DeathCynic4")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Give me a chance! Let me fight you!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCynic4")\
<div class="cave">\
Goodbye, Dolores.
It's been fun.
(live:1s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/long-eating.mp3" autoplay>]\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
Here we are.
Do you feel the edges of that tunnel before us?
It may lead to the surface. Or... an abyss.
I've simply no idea what's down there.
If you take the tunnel, I won't stop you. If you stay with me, I won't eat you. I may just strap you to my back and [carry you around. ]<reveal|{
(click: ?reveal)\
[Like a lump of stone. Like the world's most boring pet. \
I'll feed you, but never talk to you again. You'll die of boredom. And I won't care.
Which fate will you choose?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'll take the tunnel and try my luck.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathCurious3")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd rather stay with you. For now.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCuriousHope")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
Of course you will.
Oops! It sounds like there was a third option which I omitted to mention. The tunnel's roof is collapsing!
Bad luck, Dolores.
It's been fun.\
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/impact_tree_fall_down.mp3" autoplay>]\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
Here we are.
Before us lies a tunnel that leads back to the surface. Indeed, we're close enough to the surface for your comms unit to work!
There's a bit you have to climb. You can't do it on your own, but I'll carry you to safety before we part ways.
There's a catch.
If you accept my offer of freedom, you must contact one of your team members and invite them down here to take your place with me in the dark.
Refuse my offer, and I will provide you with the most painful death imagineable. You have one of those, don't you? An imagination?
Which fate will you choose?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I could never hurt my friends. I reject your terms.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic3")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hand me the phone. I'll do it.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathAltruisticHope")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
Putting others' need first until the bitter end, hmm?
Goodbye, Dolores.
It's been fun.
(live:1s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/long-eating.mp3" autoplay>]\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
Here we are.
You can't see where, of course. Blind as a mole, you are, without a working headlamp.
But we're balanced on a slender and precarious tongue of rock jutting over a chasm.
You have two options, now. One is that I leave you here. Perhaps you'll somehow drag your way to an exit before you die. Good luck with that, poppet. You don't seem that gung-ho to me. Maybe you'll stay here in this very spot, snug and safe until you try to move, until you expire from thirst. Maybe you'll... take matters into your own hands. I think you know what I mean.
The other option?
I won't eat you or harm you. I'll just strap you to my back and carry you around like a lump of stone. Like the world's most boring pet. I'll keep you fed and watered and free of injury. Maybe we'll sing songs together as we roam the tunnels looking for victims. I'll do the low notes.
One day you'll eventually die of natural causes, and I'll say a few words of respect over your carcass before I set to work.
At least you'll never be in physical danger or alone.
Which option would you prefer, Dolores?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Leave me here.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathCraven3")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'll stay with you.")[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathCraven3b")\
<div class="cave">\
What's this? You somehow grew a backbone? As you wish.
Goodbye, Dolores.
It's been fun.
|button>[[[THE END|End]]] <div class="cave">\
What's this? You'd rather be a pet than free?
Then again, why am I surprised?
Come with me, Dolores. Forever and ever.
I'll fashion you a chain and we'll learn to sing songs together as we hunt victims in the dark.
We're going to have some fun.
(live:1s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/music-creepy-piano.mp3" autoplay>]\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]] <div class="cave">\
Here we are.
You can't see where, of course. Blind as a mole, you are, without a working headlamp.
We're in the centre of a maze of tunnels. Some lead to the surface. It could take you months to find the exits.
You love a logical approach to things, don't you?
Well, here's a conundrum for you.
[[I'm going to offer you two options.|DeathProactive2b]]
<div class="cave">\
It feels good to take charge of one's fate, doesn't it? There's nothing quite like soul food. I'm looking forward to a good chow-down.
Goodbye, Dolores.
I wish you well, in spite of everything.
It's been fun.
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
It feels good to take charge of one's fate, doesn't it?
I wish you well, in spite of everything.
And, of course, I'm looking forward to a good chow-down.
Goodbye, Dolores.
It's been fun.
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
There's a reason I didn't offer a third option. I'm getting rather hungry.
Goodbye, Dolores.
It's been fun.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/long-eating.mp3" autoplay>]\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
Of course you do. You're not completely pointless.
There's a way back to the surface through this maze of tunnels.
Let's talk as we walk. Or rather, I'll scoop you up and carry you.
[[Come along...|Know2]]
<div class="cave">\
You... you're serious?
You still don't know?
I am giving you <em>one</em> more chance, Dolores.
There's a way back to the surface. It's quite some way through this maze of tunnels.
Let's talk as we walk. Or rather, I'll scoop you up and carry you.
[[Come along...|Know2]]
<div class="cave">\
We're here.
This tunnel leads directly to the surface. Can't you smell the sunlight?
You've offered me fine sport, Dolores. It's actually been a pleasure talking with you.
I've... [[missed your company.|Know2b]]
(set: $nameChance to 0)
<div class="cave">\
If you want to live, tell me my true name. Or we're done.
(set: $fname to "")\
<input class="input" type="text" name="fname" value="What is my name?" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'What is my name?';}"
onfocus="if (this.value == 'What is my name?') {this.value = '';}">\
<button class="button" type="submit" onclick="CustomScripts.updateVariable('fname')">GO</button>\
|next>[ [[Use the Save button to go to the Finale1 passage.|Finale1]]]\
|nextpromptdeath>[[[Use the Save button to go to the Know3SecondChance passage.|Know3SecondChance]]]
I mean, of course, the name <em>before</em> I called myself Misery. You're such a stickler for these things, Dolores.
<div class="cave">\
Yes! Oh, YES!
We were once one and the same, my putrid dove!
Your weakness resulting from lack of bonding with my alien host is... detestable.
But [[not your fault.|Finale1b]]
(if: $difficulty is "easy")[
(if: $impress >= 10)[(go-to: "FinaleImpress")]\
(else:)[(go-to: "Death6")]\
(if: $difficulty is "normal")[
(if: $impress >= 12)[(go-to: "FinaleImpress")]\
(else:)[(go-to: "Death6")]\
(if: $difficulty is "hard")[
(if: $impress >= 14)[(go-to: "FinaleImpress")]\
(else:)[(go-to: "Death6")]\
(set: $nameChance to it + 1)\
(if: $nameChance < 4)[\
<div class="cave">\
Oh, you numpkin.
I'm giving you <em>one</em> more chance, yes? (if: $nameChance < 3)[One.](if: $nameChance >= 3)[I mean it this time.]
Admit it - I'm too good to you.
(set: $fname to "")\
<input class="input" type="text" name="fname" value="What is my name?" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'What is my name?';}"
onfocus="if (this.value == 'What is my name?') {this.value = '';}">\
<button class="button" type="submit" onclick="CustomScripts.updateVariable('fname')">GO</button>\
|next>[ [[Use the Save button to go to the Finale1 passage.|Finale1]]]\
|nextpromptdeath>[[[Use the Save button to go to the Death5 passage.|Death5]]]
(elseif: $nameChance >= 3)[\
<div class="cave">\
Time for some tough love, Dolores.
You know why you were unable to guess my name? It's because you're a self-centred little beast. One of those flapmouths who only wants to talk, never listen.
The good news? There [[may be hope for you yet.|FinalePet]]
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death6 to it + 1)\
(if: $careCave >= 7 ) [\
(go-to: "FinalePet")\
](elseif: $Death6 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
(else:) [\
<div class="cave">\
You know what? I've changed my mind.
I <em>was</em> going to give you your much-overrated freedom, Dolores.
Or even keep you by my side forever, one way or another.
But my alien host really doesn't like you. And, on reflection, I'm inclined to agree.
Now I'm just going to give you the fate you deserve.
Stay still, and I'll come and whisper your destiny in your ear...
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay away from me!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Say what you like... but keep your distance.")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me one final chance to prove myself to you.")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Maybe we're better together after all. Let me try again.")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
]<div class="cave">\
Here's the thing, Dolores.
On reflection, I don't think you're very good at being you.
You're only 80% of our sum totality, and you've proved it's not enough. My 20%, combined with the fabulous strength and verve of my alien host, means I'm essentially glorious.
So here's what we'll do.
You're far too adorable to kill outright. Ever so sweet, really. I'm sure you care about me... or could learn to do so to, in time.
So I have an [[absolutely delicious idea!|FinalePet2]]
<div class="cave">\
You can be my charge. My ward. My pet.
I'll fashion you a chain and we'll learn to sing songs together as we hunt victims in the dark.
You'll never thirst or hunger. [Oh, no.]<reveal|(click: ?reveal)\
[ Nothing but the best for you. I know where all the subterranean pools are. There's plenty of protein to be found in these parts if you lower your standards.]
Come with me, Dolores. My one and only.
Forever and ever and ever.
We're going to have some fun.
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]
<div class="cave">\
You're free, Dolores.
You've proved yourself.
You deserve to see the sunlight again.
One request... and it <em>is</em> a request, my dear.
[[Take me with you?|FinaleImpress2]]
/*tw-sidebar tw-icon.redo {
display: none;
tw-sidebar tw-icon.undo {
display: none;
<div class="cave">\
Creator: (link: "Magda Knight")[\
(gotoURL: "https://www.magdaknight.com")\
Artist: Simon Bird
Sound: (link: "Zapsplat")[\
(gotoURL: "https://www.zapsplat.com/")\
] and Alan McKinney
<div class="response">\
(link: "Play again?")[\
(go-to: "Start")\
A.t['title song'].stop();
</script><div class="cave">\
Oh, Dolores. You're breaking my heart.
How will you cope in the big wide world, with some of your soul missing?
Neither of us know.
Either way, I wish you luck.
Don't you already feel that sense of loss? That there'll never be a happy ending?
Don't you, perhaps, feel a little empty inside?
Goodbye, Dolores.
I'll... miss you.
It's been fun.
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]
<div class="cave">\
Thank you! Oh, <em>thank</em> you!
You won't regret it, I promise.
It's a big wide world out there...
With [[the two of us reunited,|FinaleImpressYes2]] who knows what we can achieve?\
<div class="cave">\
Feel that? The sunlight on our face?
This world is ripe, my love. Ripe and <em>juicy</em>.
I learned a thing or two when the alien took me.
I'll show you.
Come on, Dolores.
Let's go have some <em>fun</em>...\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]] <div class="cave">\
Should we consume the flesh of my shattered self? Or sup on its essence, like sucking iced water through a straw?
Choices, choices.
It was fun.
Hunting was all so <em>fun</em>.
[[I think you see where this is going.|Identity10]]
<div class="cave">\
Were they worthy of [[joining|Identity11b]] us?
Could they impress us enough to be given their [[liberty?|Identity11b]]
Or would they prove themselves to be utterly useless and [[die?|Identity11b]]
<div class="cave">\
The first option is that I suck away most of your spirit. I can do that, you see. Then I'll splint your limbs, fill your bottle with water and set you free.
Your body will be hale and hearty, but you'll have no idea what you're doing here. If you ever reach the surface, I cannot promise you what life will be like for you. I do not know.
The other option is that I eat a sizeable portion of you. I'm quite partial to limbs. The meat's more flavoursome near the bone.
I'll give you the best medical aftercare, of course. Then I'll set you free. All the exits around here require quite a lot of climbing. Will you make it? Who can say?
Which option do you choose?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Eat my soul, leave my body.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathProactive3")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Eat my body, leave my soul.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathProactive3b")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I reject your terms.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1 )\
(go-to: "DeathProactive3c")\
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
}<div class="cave">\
I'll be frank. I need [[a reason not to eat you.|Offerings]]
<div class="cave">\
Excuse me? Who do you think <em>you</em> are, Dolores? Calling the shots when you haven't a leg to stand on?
Now try the signal for yourself if you don't believe me.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'll do as you suggest. For now.")[\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Good idea. Can I ask you to give me a little privacy while I establish comms?")[\
(go-to: "Death7")\
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death7 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death7 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
You openly reject me? Then we're done here.
Think carefully about your next move, or you'll <em>never</em> get to know how much I care.
For I do care, Dolores.
Let me come closer and whisper your fate in your ear.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay back! Keep away from me!")[\
(if: $cynic > $proactive and $cynic > $curious and $cynic > $craven and $cynic > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCynic1")\
](elseif: $proactive > $cynic and $proactive > $curious and $proactive > $craven and $proactive > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathProactive1")\
](elseif: $curious > $cynic and $curious > $proactive and $curious > $craven and $curious > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCurious1")\
](elseif: $craven > $cynic and $craven > $proactive and $craven > $curious and $craven > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCraven1")\
](elseif: $altruistic > $cynic and $altruistic > $proactive and $altruistic > $curious and $altruistic > $craven) [\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic1")\
](else:) [\
(go-to: "DeathConfirmCharacter")]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Well... maybe you <em>can</em> stay while I try the signal.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Wait. Give me a chance to prove myself to you.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd like to know more about why you're in this cave, though...")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
Here's an idea - I'll let you check the comms signal again for yourself. I'll even keep my distance, to soothe you.
Yes, I know. I'm too good to you. Too generous by half. But then, you are in a bit of a pickle...
Do it. Before I change my mind.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Very well. I'll check the signal now.")[\
(go-to: "SeekSignal")\
<div class="cave">\
That's right. I made it up. What of it?
I <em>like</em> the name I've chosen for myself.
But... I was pulled to do so by forces [beyond my control.]<reveal|{
(click: ?reveal)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)
I... I simply mean that circumstances forced me to change my name. Though I'm very happy with the end result.]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "You were forced to change your name? Who forced you?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who8")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd love to hear more... once we get to safety.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(go-to: "Who10")\
<div class="cave">\
Oh, poppet. Why are you so intent on rushing things? It's the curse of the modern world, isn't it? It's all rush, rush, rush. All "money is time" and "I have to contact someone" and "pay attention to me I'm bleeding."
But you don't have to rush down here. You've all the time there is, and a good few pints of crimson left in you yet.
So be polite when you address me, or I shall be inclined to follow your bad example.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Threats aside, why do you answer questions with questions?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who9")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Misery, I do really need to get out of here. Can you help?")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Help1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Threats. I see. With the greatest of respect, fuck off.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Death8")\
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death8 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death8 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
So <em>rude.</em>
I'll tell you something, Dolores. I like tough. And gritty.
But I can't abide rude.
Think carefully about your next move, or you'll <em>never</em> get to know how much I care.
For I do care, Dolores.
Let me come closer and whisper your fate in your ear.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Stay away from me!")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Maybe I shouldn't have been so rude under the circumstances...")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
Well. Yes. It <em>was</em> rude, wasn't it?
But at least you see that now.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Misery, I need to get out of here. Can you help?|Help1]]\
<div class="cave">\
(set: $name to (history:)'s last)\
(if: $name is "DeathCynic2")[\
If I hadn't given you so many chances already, that left tunnel would have taken you to freedom... just like I said it would. But you've irked me too greatly. There's a marked difference between spirited and plain ornery.
(if: $name is "DeathCurious2")[\
If I hadn't given you so many chances already, overcoming your base nature to stay with me rather than explore could have led to the greatest joy you've ever known. But you've irked me too greatly. There's a marked difference between spirited and plain ornery.
(if: $name is "DeathAltruistic2")[\
If I hadn't given you so many chances already, overcoming your base nature in order to sacrifice your friends and save yourself could have led to the greatest joy you've ever known. But you've irked me too greatly. There's a marked difference between spirited and plain ornery.
Oh, to hell with it.
We could have taken over the world, you and I. Tripped the light fantastic. Cooked up a storm.
But there are only so many chances I can give you, sweetmeat. You've proved yourself so unworthy that it pains me to hear you breathe. Honestly. It's all too much for my tender sensibilities.
I'll simply have to [[eat you|DeathFinal2]] and be done with it.
(if: $cynic > $proactive and $cynic > $curious and $cynic > $craven and $cynic > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCynic1")\
](elseif: $proactive > $cynic and $proactive > $curious and $proactive > $craven and $proactive > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathProactive1")\
](elseif: $curious > $cynic and $curious > $proactive and $curious > $craven and $curious > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCurious1")\
](elseif: $craven > $cynic and $craven > $proactive and $craven > $curious and $craven > $altruistic) [\
(go-to: "DeathCraven1")\
](elseif: $altruistic > $cynic and $altruistic > $proactive and $altruistic > $curious and $altruistic > $craven) [\
(go-to: "DeathAltruistic1")\
](else:) [\
(go-to: "DeathConfirmCharacter")]\<div class="cave">\
Yes. I will eat every bit of you.
And when you're eliminated from my body hours later, I will eat you again.
Just because I <em>can</em>.
And you'll <em>never</em> know what we could have achieved together, you and I.
Goodbye, Dolores.
It's been fun.
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/long-eating.mp3" autoplay>]\
|button>[[[THE END|End]]]<div class="cave">\
I'll be honest with you. Here's how I see your options playing out.
There's [leaving me behind...]<reveal|(click: ?reveal)\
[ and your soul will never be fully whole again. You might find yourself more inclined to murder and abomination, though the notion may seem impossible to you now. You might feel an uncurable aching loss until the day you die. Who can say? Souls were never meant to be split.]
Or you can [take me with you.]<reveal2|(click: ?reveal2)\
[ We'll be joined together once more, just as we were when you first abseiled into this cave. Your soul will be beautifully whole, just as it should be! But... you'll never be quite the same again. Part of you has resided in an alien, and how might <em>that</em> affect things? Can either of us say for sure?]
It is <em>your</em> choice, Dolores. You've earned it.
I leave my future in your hands.
Which will you choose?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Goodbye, Misery. It's time for us to part ways.")[\
(go-to: "FinaleImpressNo")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Come with me, Misery. We'll join into one whole soul.")[\
(go-to: "FinaleImpressYes")\
<div class="cave">\
I said what I said.
I want what I want.
Living down here has vastly increased my [gastronomical palette. ]<reveal|(click: ?reveal)\
[These tunnels offer more varied sustenance than you'd ever find in a supermarket. Oh, what it is to be me!]
I'm offering you essential medical aid in exchange for a measly little finger.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "No! Stay back! Keep away from me!")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(go-to: "Death3")\
{(if: (history:) contains "Finger1")[]\
<div class="response">\
(link: "A finger? Why not, say, a big toe?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finger1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've no choice, I take it? I can spare a finger.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerProactive to true)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Are you really so desperate for food? Okay. I'll... I'll help.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $fingerAltruistic to true)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "FingerYes")\
<div class="cave">\
Ooh! An interest in the puppetmaster? Well, that bodes well.
I like that!
But I'm not telling you any more than I want to.
And you must answer my question.
An alien offers you the opportunity of a lifetime. Or poisoned chalice, if you prefer. Join them in a hive-mind or die. What are your first thoughts?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Coercion? Not on my watch.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "cynic")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I've always wondered what a hive-mind would be like.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "curious")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Hive-minds sound utopian. No more lies or war.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "altruistic")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd be willing to explore a hive-mind's pros and cons.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "proactive")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Is it true that in a hive-mind you'd never feel alone again?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $identity7 to "craven")\
(go-to: "Identity7")\
<div class="cave">\
You have your team. Your caving equipment.
You're all set, darling.
Please choose your difficulty setting prior to setting off.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "EASY: Walk in the park, please.")[\
(set: $difficulty to "easy")\
(go-to: "Descend")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "NORMAL: Proficient potholing, please.")[\
(set: $difficulty to "normal")\
(go-to: "Descend")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "TOUGH: <em>The Descent</em>, please.")[\
(set: $difficulty to "hard")\
(go-to: "Descend")\
|button>[[[Begin your descent...|Wake2]]]
<div class="cave">\
I thought you might be dead.
How are you feeling?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "What happened?")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Happened")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Who are you?")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Who")\
(set: $status1happened to false)
(set: $status1who to false)
}<div class="cave">\
Tell me, Dolores. Don't you feel... alive?
And drunk with power, now that you have a label to address me by?
Oh, you practically <em>own</em> me!
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Misery, I need to get out of here. Can you help?|Help1]]\
<div class="cave">\
In fact, now might be a fine time to make proper introductions. But this will leave me vulnerable. And afraid.
<em>There</em>. I'm not ashamed to say it.
The price for truth will be high, Dolores. Are you ready?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
{(set: $careCave to it + 1)}\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I have no choice, do I? Very well. Let's talk terms.")[\
(go-to: "NextChoice2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'm not going to participate in this.")[\
(go-to: "Death2")\
<div class="cave">\
Your twin, which at seven weeks old wasn't much of anything, got reabsorbed into the matter that was shaping up to become you.
I'm trying to help you, you sagging bag of woe. Because my contempt for you is matched only by my growing [[adoration.|Identity5c]]
<div class="cave">\
I chose the name Misery, but still recall the name my parents gave me. A name I was happy to use all my life - until now.
Prove to me that you've been paying sufficient attention.
[[What is my name?|Know3]]
<div class="cave">\
[I <em>love</em> you, Dolores. ]<reveal|{
(click: ?reveal)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
You were... my first.\
I'm still willing to lose you, yet there is hope for us both.
Let me tell you what's in store for you. I think you'll find your fate is most fitting.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "No, let me tell <em>you</em>. I'm getting out of here.")[\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finale2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'd genuinely like to see what you'd consider 'fitting'...")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finale2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Will my fate put you in good stead too? We both need help.")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finale2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Fine. I prefer to make choices based on information, anyway.")[\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finale2")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Please be kind and let me go. I need to see the sun again.")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $careCave to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Finale2")\
<div class="cave">\
You'll find the packet on your tummy, if you're hungry.
I didn't eat any, as you can see. And I quite like biscuits. But you gave me a finger, bless your socks. Fair's fair.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Yes. I gave you an entire finger. Now keep your promise.")[\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
(set: $cynic to it + 1)\
(set: $proactive to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Identity1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Thank you for the painkillers. And biscuits. So... who are you?")[\
(set: $altruistic to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Identity1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I think I need more painkillers. This is agony. Will I bleed out?")[\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
(set: $bleedFear to true)\
(go-to: "Identity1")\
<div class="cave">\
Your parents had already chosen her name: [Felicia.]<reveal|(click: ?reveal)\
[ A happy name. I believe it means joy.]
Vanishing twin syndrome, they call it. Or fetal resorption. When the twin's fetus is reabsorbed. Into you, the surviving twin. The conqueror.
I am a kind and gentle being.
I am categorically not saying that you ate your own twin.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[How can you know this? Are you... my twin?|Identity5]]\
<div class="cave">\
It's a trust issue, Dolores.
Neither of us entirely trusts the other.
But perhaps that's something we can build on?
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[Yes. Maybe. As you say, we have a trust issue.|WhoMisery]]\
<div class="response">\
[[You'd better stay away from me. My rescue team will be here at any moment.|Death9]]\
<div class="cave">\
I've been watching you, Dolores.
Judging you, this whole time. Ever since you fell into the cave.
I've offered you quite enough clues to my true identity in exchange for a paltry (print: $finger1) finger.
You must know who I am by now, my love...
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Yes. I'm pretty sure I know who you are.")[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "KnowYes1")\
<div class="response">\
(link: "I'm still in the dark on this. Help me out.")[\
(set: $impress to it - 1)\
(go-to: "KnowNo1")\
<div class="cave">\
I learned, shortly afterwards, that this thing could move through rocks as if they were honeycomb candy.
Do you know what it was, Dolores? It was an [alien.]<reveal|{
(click: ?reveal)\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(set: $curious to it + 1)\
Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe thousands of these indigenous beings are crawling through the Earth's crust, unsullied by nature documentaries. It pleases me, however, to think it was an alien.]}
And do you know it [[did next?|Identity8]]
{<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/technology_radio_static_interference_then_switch_off.mp3" autoplay>\}
<img class="signal" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/dolores-comms-signal.png">\
(go-to: "CheckedSignal")\
(set: $DeathCount to it + 1)\
(set: $Death9 to it + 1)\
(if: $Death9 >=2) [\
(go-to: "DeathFinal")\
<div class="cave">\
We were only having a conversation, Dolores.
No need to spoil things by being standoffish.
If you insist on treating me as a threat, I'm half-minded to become one. In fact, I've thought of a <em>most</em> amusing means for us to part ways. Really. You'll chortle till you choke.
Think <em>very</em> carefully about your next move, darling.
Are we friends? Or are we foes?
(live:2s)[<audio src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/rock-dragging.mp3" autoplay>]\
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Don't come an inch closer. I mean it.")[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
(set: $craven to it + 1)\
<div class="response">\
(link: "Maybe we got off to a bad start. I... I apologise.")[\
(if: $DeathCount <= 2)[\
(set: $impress to it + 1)\
(go-to: "SecondChance")\
(elseif: $DeathCount >= 3)[\
(go-to: "DeathCheck")\
<div class="cave">\
Or am I lying?
I could be lying.
I am a liar.
Know this, however...
I never thought it would move me so much to hear your voice, your words.
It has touched my heart to smell you.
Help <em>me</em> to help <em>you</em>.
<img class="scroll" src="https://www.mookychick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/arrow-down-100px.png">\
<div class="response">\
[[This is hell. Or a trauma-induced breakdown. Misery, are you just a voice in my head?|Identity6]]\