Cosplay Corner: Maleficent

Cosplay maleficent

Cosplay Corner: Emily Astrom cosplays Maleficent. Share the love with other cosplayers and enthusiasts and send in your pics!

cosplay maleficent

Maleficent: Dark protector

cosplay maleficent

It’s not easy, being typecast as evil

A performer and model, Emily is a neo-burlesque veteran who is also skilled in sword-balancing and kung fu. With a B.S. in psychology she’s also trained in hypnotherapy. These are important life skills we’re talking about.

Emily got these wonderful pics taken in the Morikami Museum in Boca Raton FL.

Would you like to see your cosplay outfits featured on Mookychick?

We love diversity and body positivity – cosplay should be fun! Simply send in your pics to [email protected] with a few thoughts on your costume and where/how/who you like to cosplay.
