
Fighting Fire with Fire

Fighting Fire with Fire

PRIDE began with a protest. This is my celebration of acts of courage.

PRIDE began with a protest. This is my celebration of acts of courage.

opiod crackdown patients suffer

How the US Opioid Epidemic Puts Pain Patients At Risk – and How the UK’s NHS Is Doing Things Right

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This Is Why People Need To Stop Blaming Mass Shootings On Mental Illness.

racist sixties britain

The Colourlessness of Clarity: A Vision Of Racial Acceptance

millenials environment

Why Millenials Are Important For The Environment – Because Nature Rules

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Can You Believe People Blame Millenials for Not Buying Diamonds?

conservation woodland

5 ways to make a difference to the world

shark week

Sharks love the smell of menstrual blood and other shark myths busted

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Empathy and Compassion vs. Self-Interest – Is This The Great Divide?


The Anti-Fascist Babe Club – A New Social Justice Activist Hub Has Arrived

white supremacy extinction burst kkk

Are We Nearing White Supremacy’s Extinction Burst?