Faking It review

Faking It review

Lotte Daley’s debut novel ‘Faking It’ is unashamed chick lit. Built from modern mythology (Derren Brown, Facebook etc.) It’s not so much about trumping your rivals as finding out what’s real. It’s also splendidly rude and funny. Go on, heart it!

Review by Peony Bold

Buy on Amazon: Faking It – Paperback

Buy on Amazon: Faking It – Kindle

There are a lot of pitfalls for chicklit authors but perhaps the biggest is trying to be someone else creating a book already written. Formulas abound. Even the good ones can seem tired. Lotte Daly never seems tired! Fresh and feisty, she sends 50000 volts through a story we’ve all experienced; Getting Jilted For A Better Option…only this time with added sparks!

The heroine of ‘Faking It’ is Katie Lewis, an everyday girl with no everyday boyfriend; Jack Hunter is a man cut from the cloth of Hansel. Jack is a handsome actor supported by Katie until the day he gets his chance with stunning A lister Jessica Hilson, and Katie is dumped by text. Enter PR professionals ready to make a mint out of making a new Katie. Our heroine is set to become the ultimate reality meets revenge superstar. And then…

At this point, some might think we are entering Weldon territory, a sweeter version of the Life and Loves of a She Devil but the author steers easily away from the danger. This is such a clear example of modern mythology; references to Derren Brown, Facebook, Loose Women etc bounce across the pages. ‘Faking It’ is unrepentently light, deliberately label conscious with more than a touch of satire. So is Katie going to be faking it, or making it? And is there really any difference? The story is less about trumping the hated other and more about finding what’s real, keeping us laughing while she does it.That’s the difference, that’s 21st century chicklit, harsh-edged, warm at the centre. Go on, heart it!

Buy on Amazon: Faking It – Paperback

Buy on Amazon: Faking It – Kindle