ARTHAGS Artist Submissions – Showcase your indie art!


CALLING ALL ARTISTS: Would you like to be featured in Mookychick as an ARTHAGS spotlight creator? Reveal your muse! Digital fan art, esoteric oil paintings, comics, makeup artistry & sculpture… there are no barriers to the medium.

We place an emphasis on women, trans and non-binary artists. If you would like to be featured, please read through our guidelines below and get in touch.

Submit your work

Simply choose as many questions as you wish from our Q&A grab bag below, then email your answers (along with the 3-5 personal works you selected for showcasing) to [email protected]. We look forward to helping to raise awareness of your work, and filling the eyes of our audience with wonder!

What kind of art do you create? We are more interested in your creations than your accolades. We have eclectic tastes. We are drawn to the curious, the morbid, the esoteric. The surrealist art of Leonora Carrington, for example. We also delight in digital art, and art with a message. We love webcomics. To us, yes, an evocatively styled photoshoot is art. We think fan art is valid, and #MerMay is one of the most holy months of the year.

Your art may take three minutes or a lifetime to absorb. It may be imbued with the essence of flowers or teeth. It will leave an impression, regardless. Your featured art will, in some way, change a person’s day. Brighten it. Light their fire. Make them smile, or draw inside to consider themselves in a new way.

For us, it is not enough to simply showcase your art. We want you to share a little of your story, too. Who you are, and why you’re drawn to the art you make.

Submit your art to the #ARThags showcase

First, answer any or all of these questions:

(Questions marked with (*) are required)

  • Can you describe your art background and what you do in around 100 words? (*)
  • Choose 3-5 of your personal artworks. For each image, can you say why you chose it? (*)
  • What do you aim to capture/reveal/explore in your art? Has this shifted over time?
  • Can you describe a time when you transformed creative ‘failure’ or “I can’t do this” into success?
  • Some say creating art can be solitary. What do you say?
  • Creativity vs. cost of living – your thoughts?
  • What are your opinions on art’s place in society?
  • Best piece of advice you’ve been given (or given yourself)?
  • Any upcoming projects or things you’re working on right now?
  • Is there something we should have asked you but didn’t?
  • Where can people find out more about your art online?

Next, email your answers (along with the 3-5 images you selected for showcase) to [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you. Art for all, and all for art. To see our submission guidelines for writers, click here.
