A Simpson

A Simpson

Amy is an Events and Communications officer who writes topical pieces in her spare time, when she’s not busy raising two feral cats. She loves cheese and obsesses ever so slightly over Oscar Wilde. You can follow her on Twitter as @amyvonnesimpson.

Articles by A Simpson

middle ages spinster

Since the Middle Ages, spinster has been used to insult women who control their destinies

bikini hair removal history

For centuries, women have been told what to do with their pubic hair

pro choice children

When Women Of My Own Generation Question My Lack of Desire For Children, I’m Surprised.


Tattoo history spans the globe. Find out more!

best Korean films

10 Reasons why Real Life is not like the movies.

Tegan and Sara are doing just fine

Tegan and Sara are doing just fine

The Slits

The Slits


Anti-folk – the music mutiny for you and me