Dawn Mellowship is a UK based freelance journalist – writing mainly about health, ethical and environmental issues - and a complementary therapist, web designer and author of four books. Dawn was formerly features editor of the women's lifestyle magazine Tonic and currently writes a monthly ethical fashion column for High Spirit Magazine, providing news on the latest eco-fashion trends. She completed a Politics degree at Sheffield University and started writing about health, organic beauty and environmental issues after developing debilitating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. After changing her lifestyle and switching to organic, vegan foods, Dawn also swapped her beauty products for more eco-friendly, natural versions and set about writing her current book, Toxic Beauty: How Hidden Chemicals in Cosmetics and Can Harm You(Gaia Thinking Books) about the hazardous chemicals used in cosmetic products. Toxic Beauty is out now and available online and from book stores worldwide.