
FranJae first heard Korean pop music by listening to the fledgling K-pop groups of the 90’s when she was a teenager and has never looked back. Nowadays, in amongst working at a London-based record label and indulging her K-pop and J-rock fangirling in her spare time, she also takes time out of her busy schedule to arrange her copious Levellers, Crass and Porcupine Tree albums into alphabetical order as well as cutting her own hair with a sense of misguided achievement that only a truly hard-boiled D.I.Yer (with no access to a proper back mirror) can have. Despite not being your typical pop picker, Fran will endeavour to shed light on the wonderfully contradictory and often curious world of K-pop from the even more curious perspective of an Irish girl who actually grew up listening to it. (Occasionally veering off into J-rock territory if she just can’t help herself or a good band is in town. She also happens to idolise the late, great, Hideto Matsumoto from X Japan and holds him solely responsible for her love of fuschia pink and face jewels)