Gabrielle Mohamed

Gabrielle Mohamed

Gabrielle Elizabeth Mohamed and is 26-year-old Guyanese. In June 2017, she graduated from the University of Guyana with a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in English – Linguistics. She has a mixed passion for Literature and Linguistics. As an emerging Creole poet, she believes that the employment of her Guyanese space is essential to facilitate a breakdown and breakthrough process that will allow her countrymen to find there true selves devoid of any colonial touch. Thus, her writing style attempts to capture the continual influence of colonial and post-colonial attitudes and behaviors within the lives of her countrymen. Subsequently,in the months of July and August of this year Miss Mohamed wrote two short creole books; Is You Madness, Nah me own ( a short collection of Creole Poetry ) and Blackout Daze( a short collection of Creole Plays), each of which was presented during the Carifesta xiv hosted In Trinidad and Tobago.

As a Catholic individual, she testifies that the escape from these colonial touches is possible. Here her Christian faith has enabled her to establish the solid grounds of nationhood that will not force anyone into a state of being ‘unhomed’, but allow us to accept our fate as hybrid individuals of the Caribbean.

In addition to her literature background, Miss Mohamed has studied various linguistics courses that has exposed her to the wealth of knowledge that her Guyanese diasporic language scene possesses. As a language student, she has acquired a passion for our native language, the Guyanese Creole English (G.C.E) which she makes a point in integrating into her poems in the hopes of spreading its validity and increasing its prestige within the eyes of her countrymen.

Published Online Works of Gabrielle Mohamed :

1.Active Muse (2018):

2. Outcast Magzine (2019):

3. Amazon published of both books:

4. Facebook- Gabrielle Mohamed:

5. Instagram- Gabrielle Mohamed:

Articles by Gabrielle Mohamed

Poetry by Gabrielle Elizabeth Mohamed: Welcome To The Garden of Eden

Poetry by Gabrielle Elizabeth Mohamed: Welcome To The Garden of Eden