Lindz McLeod
Lindz McLeod lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. Her short stories have been published by the Scotsman newspaper, the Scottish Book Trust, 365 Tomorrows; Lindz was commissioned by the Dundee Victoria & Albert Museum (voted one of Time Magazine’s Greatest Places 2019) to write a short story for their ‘Hello Robot’ exhibition.
She has published poetry with Allegory Ridge, Passaic/Völuspá, Prometheus Dreaming, For Women Who Roar, Ink Sweat & Tears, Coffin Bell, Selcouth Station, and more, with work forthcoming in Sunbeam Anthologies and The Selkie. She was also shortlisted for the Fish Publishing Poetry Prize in 2019.
She has published poetry with Allegory Ridge, Passaic/Völuspá, Prometheus Dreaming, For Women Who Roar, Ink Sweat & Tears, Coffin Bell, Selcouth Station, and more, with work forthcoming in Sunbeam Anthologies and The Selkie. She was also shortlisted for the Fish Publishing Poetry Prize in 2019.
Lindz is the competition secretary of the Edinburgh Writer’s Club and holds a Masters in Creative Writing.