Raine Geoghegan

Raine Geoghegan, MA is of Romany Heritage. Her work has been widely published and her debut pamphlet, ‘Apple Water – Povel Panni’ with Hedgehog Poetry Press was launched in December 2018, previewed at the Ledbury Poetry Festival in July 2018. Her poems and songs were featured in the documentary film, ‘Stories from the Hop Yards’ by Catcher Media. Her poem, ‘A Memory of the Hop Fields’ was made into a film by the Wellington Primary School, part of the Herefordshire Life through a Lens Project. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net; the Pushcart Prize and the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem. Her pamphlet was also chosen as a Spring 2019 selection by the Poetry Book Society. Publications include: Under the Radar; Poetry Ireland Review; The Clearing; The Travellers’Times; the Ofi Press and many more. Her collection of monologues, haibuns and songs will be published later this year by Hedgehog Poetry Press.Follow her on Twitter: @rainegeoghegan5