Sarra Culleno

Sarra Culleno

Sarra Culleno is a British poet, mother and English teacher who performs at poetry events across the UK. She writes about children’s rights, motherhood, identity, gender, age, technology, the environment, politics, modern monogamy and education. Sarra is widely published. She features in many podcasts and radio shows, and was longlisted for the Cinnamon Press Pamphlet Prize. Sarra co-hosts Write Out Loud at Waterside Arts, and has performed as guest poet at numerous literary festivals.

@sarracullenopoetry – Instagram

@sarra1978 – Twitter

[email protected] – Email – FaceBook

Articles by Sarra Culleno

Short Story - The Hares of Horsenden Hill by Sarra Culleno

Short Story – The Hares of Horsenden Hill by Sarra Culleno