Sarah Etlinger

Sarah Etlinger

A Pushcart nominee, Sarah A. Etlinger is an English professor who resides in Milwaukee, WI, with her family. She is the author of two chapbooks: Never One for Promises (Kelsay Books, 2018: and the forthcoming Little Human Things (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, Fall 2019). Find her work here at Mookychick, and elsewhere at Neologism Poetry Journal, The Amethyst Review, Royal Rose Magazine, and many others.  Interests include cooking, reading, traveling, and learning to play the piano. Follow her on Twitter: @drsaephd

Articles by Sarah Etlinger

Poetry by Sarah Etlinger: The Naming

Poetry by Sarah Etlinger: The Naming

thank goodness for poets

Thank Goodness For The Poets – Poem by Sarah Etlinger