Competitions – Love romance DVDs

This month there are 3 sets of Love Romance DVDs to give away. Each set contains four feelgood romantic comedies for the summer. Oh, go on… take off your bovver boots and be a great big girl for once.
Competition closes on 24 September 2010.
To celebrate summer and movies those nice folks at Best For Film have 3 HUGE goodie bags of Love Romance DVDs from Love It Films to give away and we are helping them do it. Each Love Romance DVD set is bursting with 4 yes, thats right, 4 romantic films so you and your loved one can melt into a saccharine puddle of happy endings on the sofa!
Each Love Romance DVD set contains:
- The Ugly Truth
- Sleepless In Seattle
- Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist
- 50 First Dates
Answer this simple question to enter
What is Tom Hanks doing in the film Sleepless in Seattle?
- 1. Being sleepless (PS this is the right answer, just so you know)
- 2. Just, you know, being Tom Hanks
- 3. Fishing for shrimp, beating the world at ping pong and comparing life to a box of chocolates
- 4. Being savaged by wild apes
How to enter this competition
- Email [email protected] with THE ANSWER, your NAME and YOUR ADDRESS.
- Please put LOVEIT in the email subject title.
Competition closes on 24 September 2010.
Imagine that… winning Romance comedy DVDs… xxx