Earworms competition – learn japanese free

Got an iPhone? Want to learn Japanese for free? Haven’t got an iPhone but still want a 20% voucher code? Win Rapid Japanese learning mobile apps from Earworms. We have 10 for grabs! Competition closed 07 October 2011.
Learning Japanese with earworms mbt® is easy, intuitive and effective. The Rapid Japanese iPhone App from Earworms not only helps you learn words and phrases, but fixes them deep into your long-term memory with music, rhythm and repetition. Simply by listening to the rhythmic repetition of these specially composed melodies a few times, the sound patterns become indelibly burned into your auditory cortex. Not only will you have successfully learned the phrase, but will also have the correct accent ringing in your ears! Just as importantly, we at Mookychick have used the app ourselves, and we can confirm the music is actually very good. It’s not cheesy at all. It’s the opposite. Wherever you are, whatever youre doing, you can now be learning Japanese for free! Think how much more productive jogging, driving, ironing or even having a bath could become!
All Mooks – get 20% off all Earworms products with our special mooky voucher code
Earworms can teach you useful words and phrases in almost any language you want to know. They work for both beginners and intermediates. Their language courses come as MP3s (perfect for your MP3 player), as audio CDs and as a host of Apps for any mobile phone you care to mention.
Go to the Earworms store or the Earworms Mobile Store and use the following code to get 20% off any purchase until 25 October 2011. The code is: mookychicks
Complete this sentence to enter: I want to learn Japanese because…
Email [email protected] with THE ANSWER, your NAME and YOUR ADDRESS.
Please put EARWORMS in the email subject title.
This competition is GLOBAL. If you can access the Apple Store, wherever you are, you can win the prize!
Competition closed on 7 October 2011.
Featured on The Prize Finder – UK Competitions and Loquax Competitions.
Some of our favourite entries for ‘I want to learn Japanese because…”
“I love the Japanese culture both old and new plus I could research some great Hello Kitty products on Japanese websites!”
“I want to learn Japanese because…my husband works for Honda and we’d find it very useful to be able to communicate better!”
“It is simply the coolest way to use an iPhone creatively”
“I want to learn Japanese because I want to lead a high school summer study abroad group in Japan.”
“Then I wouldnt need to read the subtitles”
“I want to learn Japanese because…I have always been interested in anime, manga and Japanese television dramas. I just started my first year at university and have the opportunity to study Japanese as part of my degree, which I am soooo excited about. This app would really help me with my studies…and I promise to remember mookychick when i am graduating ;)”
“I want to learn Japanese because it’s one of the hardest languages to master, and I’m looking for a challenge!”
“I want to learn Japanese because my husband and I would both love to visit Japan. He has already taught himself the basics of the language and I don’t want to look like an ‘ignorant numpty’ – I can’t have my husband coming across as more cultured than me, that would never do!”
“I want to learn Japanese so I can volunteer in Japan and understand the orphan’s stories.”