Electro style and punk style jewelry from Zlanarama – Mookychick competition

Electro style and punk style jewelry from Zlanarama - Mookychick competition

electro style and punk style jewelry from zlanaramaelectro style and punk style jewelry from zlanaramaelectro style and punk style jewelry from zlanaramaelectro style and punk style jewelry from zlanarama

Prize: Win a $20 voucher for sparkling pretties

Competition closes on June 1 2008.

Electro queen, kawaii kittens and punky mommas take note…

Zlanarama is an online alternative jewelry store with a beautiful mission: to restore color and whimsy to a drab and sometimes scary world. Zlanarama wants remind women everywhere of the value of many of the things considered childish in our culture. There is nothing wrong with a splash of bright color, or even a lot of color. A sense of wonder is a valuable thing. Yet as soon as we hit high school we’re expected to become jaded and only ever wear the latest trendy earth-tone. Screw that, let’s rainbows and bunnies! Dare to be bold, colorful, courageous. Bring a smile to someone’s face with a funky charm bracelet. Live out loud.

Zlanarama is offering one colourfully courageous winner a $20 voucher to spend at their online store. This is a sweet deal, since their more expensive custom items are around $20, but other rainbow and cherryskull pretties are cheaper – so you’ll walk away with your wrists and ears dangling with more than one prize!

To enter the competition to win a Zlanarama voucher, all you have to do is answer a simple question.


Click here to find out… What are the four shopping categories on Zlanarama? Clue: They’re divided into 4 alternative styles, and the first one is ‘punky rocker’.


Email betsi @ zlanarama.com (minus the spaces around the @ sign, that’s just anti-spam procedure) with …


Please put ZLANARAMA COMPETITION in the email subject title.

Please do remember to include your postal address, otherwise we’ll never be able to send you your prize!

Competition closes on June 1 2008.

Imagine that… winning rainbows and smiles and childish delight. In the form of a Zlanarama voucher.

Featured on The Prize Finder – UK Competitions