VooDolls – Punk accessories

Competition closes on 23 May 2010.
Europe competitions: Spread a little everyday magic with a VooDoll – a cute punky crocheted style accessory. 5 to win!
Mookychick loves VooDolls. Mixing happy magic with arts and crafts, VooDolls are cute little crocheted friends that you can pin to clothes and bags, hang on your guitar or tuck under your pillow when you go to sleep. You can see what sort of things these VooDolls get up to here – aren’t they sweet?
VooDolls cater to your every mood. They come in 5 categories so you can choose the right VooDoll for you: Strike Back, Romance and Passion, Care and Protection, Girl Power and Success and Self-Esteem. Each set of crocheted cuties has a host of characters from you to choose from.
VooDolls are not really voodoo dolls for black magic – they are simply lovely arts and crafts dollies for your empowerment, reminding you to feel good every day. Check them out and we’re sure you’ll find a VooDoll just for you. Why not think of these perky pretties as western kawaii?!
VooDolls have 5 little cuties they’d love to give away to a Mookychick who will care for them. You just need to answer a simple question, and choose the perfect VooDoll for you out of the following:
Princess Lalita will show you how to put your foot down and get what you want when you want. Find out more about Princess Lalita.
Black Mamba is not to be messed around with. Find out more about Black Mamba.
Angel will show you a brighter side to all the obstacles that may come your way. Find out more about Angel.
Linda Shadowe will give you the self-confidence and energy to make your creative ideas a reality. Find out more about Linda Shadowe.
Kata will help you overcome any obstacles. Listen to him, don’t look at the whole problem at once, tackle it bit by bit. Find out more about Kata.
Answer these 2 simple questions to enter
1. Choose your prize: Which VooDoll would you most like to win?
Choose from the following.
- Princess Lalita
- Black Mamba
- Angel
- Linda Shadowe
- Kata
2. Answer to enter: Which VooDoll will bring you success in your studies so your eyes sparkle with knowledge and confidence?
- 1. Brainiac
- 2. Brain
- 2. Brayne
How to enter this competition
- Email [email protected] with THE ANSWER, your NAME and YOUR ADDRESS.
- Please put VOODOLL in the email subject title.
- Please remember to specify which doll you would like to win.
Competition closes on 23 May 2010.
Imagine that… winning lovely arts and crafts VooDolls… xxx
Featured on The Prize Finder – UK Competitions
Visit the world of VooDolls
Find out more about Princess Lalita
Find out more about Black Mamba
Find out more about Angel
Find out more about Linda Shadowe
Find out more about Kata