How to Make Furry Faux Fur Leg Warmers

See how to make faux fur leg warmers which are a cosy joy for winter, clubbing or cosplay with this arts and crafts tutorial. Wear them over boots! Remember you can also make leg warmers from old sweaters too.
Fluffy, furry leg warmers can be personalised with different colours and dimensions, for parties or casual wear. They go really well with a pair of chunky platforms, over fishnets or patterned tights. They can go well with thermals and hiking boots, if that’s your thing – there are no rules.
I hope it goes without saying that I’m referring to faux-fur in this tutorial. No fluffy bunnies need be harmed in your quest to keep your lower legs warm.
What you’ll need:
- A minimum of 1 metre of fluffy plush material in any colour
- Firm elastic (about 4cm wide is best, I’ve found)
- Sewing machine – or a willingness to hand stitch for ages!
If you’re keen, you can finish making your furry leg warmers from start to finish in less than an hour!
How to make your furry leg warmers
Measure the circumference of your leg, just below your knee. Add an extra 2 cm. This will be the length of elastic necessary for each furry leg warmer.
Measure the circumference of your actual calf muscle (the widest part along your shin). Using this as the length for the top of your template will ensure that the warmer can fit and slide up your leg.
Measure how wide you would like the base to be. A minimum 22-inch circumference is a good dimension to make a first pair with. Lay out your material, making sure that the fur is stroked in the right direction as you draw up the template.
The shape should look like this:
On the inside of the material, mark three evenly-spaced lines along the top so it looks like the top edge is divided into 4 quarters. With your measured elastic, also mark 4 even quarters.
Machine-sew the elastic to the inside of the material. As you sew, be sure to stretch the elastic as you go; aiming for each of the quarters marks to meet.
This part is easy; while inside-out, sew the diagonal edges of your material together. The elastic should overlap by 1cm. After being turned rightside-out, the elastic should be hidden.
All done! With this sort of material, it usually isn’t necessary to sew the hems. This also helps reduce any unnecessary bulk at the base.
If you’re unsure about how much material you’ll need to buy, just draw up a quick template on a big page of newspaper.
After making your first leg warmer, try it on before starting on the next.
If you’re feeling confident, try some two-tone, or even three-tone warmers! Widening the base will give warmers a larger flare.
Read next: How to make leg warmers from old sweaters (sew and no-sew methods)
Photo credit: SK, CC BY-ND 4.0