Interesting Hobbies

how to make a hula hoop

How to make a hula hoop of your own. Happy hooping…

cosplay poison ivy

Cosplay costumes – DOs and DON’Ts


Interesting hobbies – could you be a flaneur without knowing it?


Floriography – send messages using the Victorian language of flowers

guerrilla gardening

Guerilla Gardening

winter picnic ideas

How to have a winter picnic

aerial hoop

Combine fitness and circus skills with aerial hoop

ruby rebelle

Interview with Burlesque Artist Ruby Rebelle


8 Alternative Flower Arrangement Ideas


Unusual hobbies – how to be a taphophile

uk roller derby

UK Roller Derby… Beyond the Valley of the Rollerdolls

furry fandom

The Furry Fandom – One wolf’s guide to the world of Furries