11 Attributes For A Modern Witch’s Style

Style advice for witches can be taken with a pinch of consecrated salt. But aesthetics are always worth celebrating – it’s how the clothes make you feel!
Somewhere around the beginning of millennial history, fashion reached an old-time peak – witchcraft. This eclectic style combines fantasy, New Age spirituality and witchcraft – and, of course, individuality, and finding one’s own way in terms of practice but also style.
With the magical pull witchcraft has on pop culture (as well as history, naturally), it’s only reasonable that each ensuing generation interprets occult style in its own way.
Loose example of modern witch style: A hat that speaks of Odin the Wanderer. Layered clothes. A hint of folklore in the drapes. Black is your friend, but you needn’t be in an exclusive relationship.
Modern witch style staples
Witchcraft has become a far more prevalent tool for empowerment in recent years. Doing the work is everything. But look plays its part.
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1. Magical Boots
It’s been the same forever – magical boots are made for magical things. Witchy shoes and boots protect a witch’s feet, take them places, and help them walk a magical path. You can inscribe power words and sigils on the soles of your shoes for protection, or mark them with power-laden symbols like the pentacle.
Sturdy biker boots will keep help you endure your journey off the beaten track, and pointy boots or shoes will make your legs look as long as the chicken foot upholding Baba Yaga’s roaming house.
2. All-Black
Modern witches often combine colours, and there’s nothing wrong with embracing the sensual and ethereal with delicate roses and greys, but an all-black staple wardrobe provides witches with their special, magical vibe wherever they go. It’s a power colour, and a safety colour. You can be high profile if you want to be, or blend if you want to feel a little more discreet.
3. Witchy Hats
When you wear a witchy hat, you’re definitely not in hiding. Your energy is there for all to see. It can be floppy and felt, or distinctive black straw… but it can make you feel so epic, so yourself, to wear one. And, of course, you can inscribe symbols within if you choose.
4. Textured, Long Layers
Everything that whooshes when you move calls out: ‘’witch’’. You can feel so good in long and textured layers in silk or soft chiffons, and it’s going to go well with a cape. Or cardigan, if capes aren’t your thing. Lace is also a fabric worth exploring, and can be combined with absolutely anything. This is not a beautiful lie. This is objective lace-loving truth.
5. Leather Belt
Thick belts made of leather or pleather rock. They can hold in the layers, and make any loose attire more form-fitting and textured, and be combined with corset details too. And you can hang pouches full of consecrated dirt off a belt.
6. Bohemian Clothes
In addition to those lengthy long layers, modern witches do not fear a bohemian clothing style nodding to folk attire. Folklore is as much an inspiration as the black-hatted witch archetype.
7. Enchanted Jewelry
A modern witch is not averse to adornments. Far from it. Magical necklaces and rings, anklets and bracelets can be combined with personalised amulets, givign you a wide collection of items to choose from. Witches may view their magical jewelry as a gift from the universe. Sometimes you’ll find a great magical necklace in a local store and note that it was a full moon or synchronicity was at play. This, and the symbol on the necklace, make it high-vibe.
A witch’s enchanted jewelry tends to have its own story. Whether it belonged to a grandmother with tales to tell, or is a gift from a treasured friend – it has some purpose and story of its own. Or, when it’s bought online, you can imbue it with your own story.
The purpose of enchanted jewelry vary. Some jewelry is used to connect the witch’s energy with the Universe. If she enchants it, it can have a unique intention of its own. There are runes that serve as charms, the pentacles that represent the Wiccan faith, or the hamsa that wards off the evil eye. And of course, there are those cute pendants with a spell book witches keep close to their heart.
Here on Mookychick, Olivia Cruz shared her six favourite items of healing jewelry from her collection, for your inspiration.
8. Batwing Pullover
Batwing pullovers and sweaters are the best. You can wear them in so many ways – black leggings and biker boots or pointy shoes are an immediate throw-on, or you can also wear the batwing pullover under a dress for a really distinctive shape. It’s like a cape but with added tunnels to burrow in.
9. Witchy Hair Accessories
A hair accessory can be a witch’s hat in disguise. Feathers, black blooms, veils, headbands, wreaths… even kitty hairpins! Why kitties? It’s hard to meet a witch that doesn’t love a kitty and wants to carry one wherever they go.
10. Choker
Chokers tap into both Victoriana and the hard-nailed fashion of the nineties. A choker can give your attire a colour splash, or you can keep it dark with a velvet ribbon or barbed-wire-effect choker. And symbols of protection inscribed on the inside? You’d better believe it.
11. Velvet Dress
A velvet dress in black or blood red is so good to wear but so hard to find. Once you do find it, however, you’ll treasure it and wonder how you did without.
Style advice can be taken with a pinch of consecrated salt, but there is no limitation as to where your witch aesthetic choices begin and end.