Androgynous fashion guide to androstyle blogs & more

Androgynous fashion guide

Androgynous fashion guide: MV Essick’s tips for beginners! See androstyle tips, blogs and resources to help you present the way you want to.

Walking into a clothing store can be a bit overwhelming trip for some of us. I mean, there’s the women’s section, then there’s the men’s section. These are our only choices when it comes to choosing clothing for ourselves.

To some it may not sound terribly earth-shattering, but could you imagine walking into a department store as someone who is gender non-conforming, genderfluid, or doesn’t even identity with gender binary altogether?

Fret not, my little non-binary cherubs! Essick is here to give you some practical androgynous fashion tips. Let your inner style Quing (that’s the gender-neutral term for monarch) shine!

Figuring out what to wear

Before we go out hunting for clothes, it’s useful to do a little research to think about what you’d like your personal style to be. If you do some soul searching and you still don’t know, that’s okay! Some of us already have an idea in mind, whilst some of us might take a little while to figure out what feels best. Heck, the only reason why I personally dress dapper is because it fits so neatly with my whole Steampunk aesthetic. Yes, I’ve been known to throw a Steampunk dinner party in my time…

As an example of how you can research your style, here’s a couple of fashion sets I whipped up. As an experiment I put together a couple of gothic outfits!

You can opt for a more feminine style:

androgynous fashion - feminine gothic set

Example: Andro feminine goth outfit

androgynous feminine goth

Line Art by ChessireWolf, Color by Essick

Or a more masculine one:

androgynous feminine gothic fashion

Example: Andro masculine gothic set

androgynous masculine gothic fashion

Line Art by ChessireWolf, Color by Essick

masculine and feminine gothic fashion

Example: A mix of masculine and feminine gothic

Androgynous gothic fashion

Line Art by ChessireWolf, Color by Essick

Remember folks, there’s no “correct” way to dress yourself! Mix and match, if that’s what makes you happy. You’re the only one who has to present the way you want to. If you’re looking for extra inspiration, keep reading for a list of inspirational androstyle fashion websites to help you on your journey.

Charity shops are your friend

First things first: I hate to break it to you, but before you go to any “high end” shops or start looking at those fancy “androgynous” online stores, I highly recomend you visit your local charity shops first. Consignment shops are also worth a visit. This way you’re not spending a small fortune on your first outfit. Also, you can figure out how certain clothing items fit, which is hard to do while looking at things on the internet.

You’ve got a look? You’ve got something in mind? Now you’re in a great place to start shopping around for your first items of clothing!

Safety matters

If you’re afraid to go shopping alone, I recommend you ask a friend to go with you for support. It can really help. If shopping outside doesn’t interest you, there’s a way round that…

Androgynous fashion hunting? Try online clothing swaps

It’s getting easier to search for androgynous fashion online. Notice how I talked about searching and not shopping? Shopping online is a whole other mess altogether.

Trans Clothes Exchange

If you’re uncomfortable with shopping in public, you can find giveaway Tumblr blogs on Trans Clothes Exchange. For most items, you only have to pay the shipping costs.

UK Trans Clothes Swap

UK people on the lookout for trans or androgynous clothing can check out UK Trans Clothes Swap! This organisation is great –  as well as clothing you can find underwear for cheap or reduced prices. UK Trans Clothes Swap underwear includes binders, camisoles and bras.

If Tumblr isn’t your thing, look up “transgender clothing exchange” on Facebook, Reddit and other online communities.

Non-binary and androgynous fashion websites

Before I go, here are some helpful websites to support you on your personal style journey! They’re recommended purely for fashion purposes, not as self-help websites. God speed, my fashion padawans…

Masculine presenting fashion websites:

Feminine presenting fashion websites:

Blogs like Androstyle who cater to all presentations:

Online communities

Looking for online communities who share your interests? Here are some places offering general information as well as community advice…

There you have it! Happy fashion hunting! I hope this little androgynous fashion guide has helped you on your journey. Be your best self, and present how you want.