Asda selling purrmaid duvet covers for £10 and up

Want to snuggle in cat mermaids? These Asda purrmaid duvet covers are mermazing.
Okay, so we don’t normally get excited by Asda. They’re just a chain of shops full of things. They sell bread, of course. Bread is quite exciting. And they sell milk. That’s good too.
But now… they’re selling purrmaid duvet covers. And that is amazing.
The duvet covers will set you back £10 for a single, £12 for a double and £14 for a king-sized version. They’ve got happy mercats on a light background on one side, and seashells on a dark background on the other. They’re actually lovely.
Note: Asda seems a bit confused about how to spell ‘mermazing’, but never mind.
It turns out that purrmaids are not a totally new thing. They’ve been spotted in the wild in the form of…
Purrmaid tattoos
Source: Pinterest
Purrmaid fluffies
(source: Etsy)
… and in the actual sea.
(that is, in the Etsy.)
Purrmaids are a lovely notion, and it’s nice to know they’re now here to look after us as we sleep. Yay for cat mermaids.