Mookychick is on hiatus
As of 2021, Mookychick is on hiatus.
Since our inception in 2005, Mookychick has been a pioneering and progressive community that has been more than the sum of its parts. We are so proud of our community of people and writers.
As of this year we are on hiatus. It is not an ending, but a respite. We hope you’ll agree that our team deserves a well-earned rest!
In over 15 years, we have achieved so much together. Back in 2005, Mookychick was probably the very first magazine to combine feminism and magic. In the days before Twitter, Instagram and most other social platforms, the Mookychick forum was a safe space for people to come together and grow. At our peak (in terms of traffic, which is certainly not the only value of a community) we’ve had a quarter of a million unique visitors a month. Not bad for an entirely volunteer-led community whose aim was to be the best-kept secret!
After many years of righteous endeavour, the team collectively feels we all deserve a break. We are truly ready for a holiday. A return will most likely be via a new publishing model with set submission windows, so that the editorial team can give your work their full energy in manageable periods of time. We take our editorial responsibilities very seriously and want to ensure we are giving your nothing but our BEST.
What does this hiatus mean for your published work?
Your work is safe with Mookychick. Your publications and voices mean a great deal to us.
There are absolutely no plans to sunset the site. Although we are currently closed to submissions, we are so grateful for the trust you have placed in Mookychick! Your work will remain on Mookychick, and we will still be about on social media, sharing things we love and promoting the work of past contributors in gratitude for their efforts.
In our hearts, we have not disappeared. We are still here for you all. Adieu!