Repo! The genetic opera
Horror film fans take note! If you can imagine Sweeny Todd, Brazil, Rocky Horror and Blade Runner mixed with daily plastic surgery and drug addiction then Bam! You have Repo! The Genetic Opera…
It came to my attention that not many of us mookychicks (or mookydudes) had either heard of this Uber-spectacular film, Never mind actually watching this gothic master piece! So I found it my sworn duty to tell all you mookychickeys about what you have been missing out on. Thank me later.
Do not be fooled by the man in the picture above who looks like he’s fashioning a blood-red bin bag. For all you alternatives out there who like nothing more but to watch gory films where guts are thrown all over the place (hey, some people are into this stuff…) and loved the SAW films, then get your little legs down the video shop and grab yourself a copy.
But may I ask Repo! is about?
Picture this: Years into the future, organ failure has become the world’s biggest killer (for unknown reasons). A friendly-looking bio-tech company called Gene Co. offer you the organs you need, and you only have to pay for them the way you would a standard car loan, But miss a payment and the Repo man will come and ‘repossess’ whatever you owe the company (not as friendly as it sounds).
The film includes themes of how families all have their secrets and how cosmetic surgery could become a new addiction. Rotti Largo (Paul Sorvino) is the founder of Gene Co. and, as you can imagine a very wealthy man – but with his three children suffering from either drug addictions, anger issues or addicted to plastic surgery, who will he think is responsible enough to lease his large funds to…?
Shilo Wallace is daughter to the widowed Doctor Nathan, who keeps her looked away in her room in fear of losing her to a genetic blood condition, Shilo suspects her dad is hiding something and wanders why he fears her going outside but she could never have guessed what. So, being a teenager, she does what a teenager does best… Sneaks out…
If you can imagine Sweeny Todd, Brazil, Rocky Horror and Blade Runner mixed with daily plastic surgery and drug addiction then Bam! You have Repo! The Genetic Opera.
Now, I can tell that some of you have looked at the picture and seen Paris Hilton’s name and alarm bells are going off in your head which sound like this “Warning! Chick Flick! Paris Hilton! Warning!”. Fear not… Miss Hilton shows us in this film that even the most girly girls have a dark gothic demon on the inside.
If you like the sound of the film then you will love the music and I prophesy you shall be singing along to the catchy tunes ‘Zydrate Anatomy’ and ‘Seventeen’. Repo! has already won the Fantasia Ground-Breaker Award, and is definitely a film to watch with all your gothic girlies with a bowl of gruesome jelly sweets, instead of watching Grease.
Buy Repo! The Genetic Opera [2008]