Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 – Official Movie Trailer
Check out the first official film trailer for Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 – and enjoy articles covering a feminist approach to Twilight, Stephane Meyers’ romantic fantasies and how Twilight breaks with vampire tradition.
It’s time to let the sombre faces of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) back into our lives. They met in the snow in TWILIGHT, had a major spat in NEW MOON and fought in ECLIPSE… Now, in the last-but-one film in this vampire romance epic, Bella and Edward vow to love each other as man and wife through eternity…
We’ll spare you the plot because if you’re reading this, the chances are you already know it. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 will be released in UK cinemas on November 18, 2011. If you’re a huge Twilight fan, fear not… November is almost here.
Did you enjoy the Breaking Dawn trailer? Did you like how it fits marriage, sexytimes, pregnancy, new alliances, new divisions and life-altering decisions all into 1 minute and 57 seconds? If you did (and even if you didn’t) you may find solace in Mookychick’s Twilight articles, which look at sparkly vampires through a glass darkly. Once you’ve read them, follow @mookychick on Twitter. Tweet your opinion of Twilight and we’ll add it (along with your Twittername to hopefully get you more followers) along with this article.
- Is Twilight Stephanie Meyers’ carnal fantasy?
- How does Twilight break with traditional vampire history and lore?
- Are the Twilight books misogynist?
- Mookychick’s review of the original Twilight film