ARXX Daughters of Daughters EP – Garage Rock Goes Bold

Two women, one big sound – Brighton garage rock band ARXX are the punchy joyful sound we’ve been waiting for.
“I’ll be a separate wife in this house of cards… I’m growing tired of this game…”
Listening to the new Daughters of Daughters EP by ARXX is like listening to tyres squeal at the start of a drag race. The tracks are huge, tight and explosive, blending thrash elements with charged melodies that leave the competition eating dust.
Hannah Pidduck’s vocals meld the inimitable songful force and pop sensibilities of Karen O with the power of Beth Ditto, pinned in place and thrown to the heavens by relentless driving beats from drummer Clara Townsend. With so many strong tracks it’s hard to pick a standout number, but Tired of You is a gritty gem of a garage rock anthem, coal and diamond in one.
Daughters of Daughters is unashamedly loud. It revels and rolls around in high-energy melodies that grab the soul and gut. With lyrics that reflect on failed relationship expectations and subject matter ranging from misogyny to cats, ARXX play with the concepts of what they ‘should’ be as women and artists – all packaged in a kickass EP that demands to be listened to on repeat with the volume turned up high.
Stream/buy/follow ARXX:
At £5 a pop with six fat tracks, Daughters of Daughters is a power EP you’ll want to keep in your permanent library.