Deliberate Lies
Deliberate Lies is the self produced, fully independent musical effort of guitarist Jon Hillyard and singer/pianist Andrew “Rage” Reid. Think Doctor Who crossed with Muse, Emilie Autumn and Rammstein…
If you’re an unsigned or independent musician it pays to contact Mookychick! DeliberateLies contacted us and suggested we have a listen to their stuff.
We did, for two reasons: Firstly, because they’d classified themselves intriguingly on Myspace as classical/pop/industrial. Secondly, because although they were boys (and we usually try to focus on girlies), one of them did have a myspace photo of them riding a rocking horse in a child’s playground at night, looking a bit like John Barrowman in grimy steampunk goggles. Which, you know, helps. Boys – take note. That’s a good look.
We’re rather glad we did check out DeliberateLies, though, and not just because they’re the thinking girl’s eye candy.
Deliberate Lies is the self produced, fully independent musical effort of guitarist Jon Hillyard and singer/pianist Andrew “Rage” Reid. They’re – unusual. Twisted. Think Doctor Who crossed with Muse, Emilie Autumn and Rammstein, if you can. Yes, there is some classical piano tinkering, but this is REALLY listenable art industrial that satisfies nearly every musical mood and hankering you ever had at once. Their stuff makes us happy the same way Rammstein makes us happy – pumping dark metal guitar and industro-growling with a melodic, venomous edge. Sometimes the music soars into the same stratosphere as Muse, creating epic landscapes that make you feel like you just walked into a rather sexy modern space opera. Sometimes you get the damaged playfulness of Rob Zombie. Sometimes you get the tinkling build of a classic Japanese computer game soundtrack like Final Fantasy. Layer upon layer of sound, influence and something just sideways and round the corner from genius, held together by a fine understanding of what works musically and what doesn’t.
Deliberate Lies list their influences as Celldweller, Stolen Babies, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Juno Reactor, Mr. Bungle, Rachmaninoff, Razed in Black, KMDFM, Sonic Mayhem, Nobuo Uematsu and Akira Yamaoka. None of the people we listed above, in fact, but then their Myspace does challenge the listener to decide for themselves what they sound like…
Imagine biting into a sandwich with twenty-three ingredients, and discovering it was one of the finest sandwiches you’d ever tasted, even though three of the ingredients were sake, battery acid and petrol. Then imagine trying to explain to people why you thought that sandwich was worth tasting for themselves…