Sierra Swan | Feminist Music

Musical style: Strong melodic female-fronted piano rock
Have you heard… Sierra Swan?
Sierra Swan is, for some reason, described by some music magazines as LGBT rock. We’ve got no idea why. It must be because music magazines will say any old thing to fill the column inches. Okay, we do have some idea why – she’s a strong, alternative woman who sings honest songs about her unluckiness in love and her occasional desire to not be attracted to men any more because that would be somewhat easier.
But, as everyone knows, it’s not what you do – it’s the way that you do it. And Sierra Swan does her thing in a way that the musical world’s been crying out for.
You could almost call her songs piano-led ballads but they’re not noodling self-important numbers that make you hit fast forward. Each song is its own thing – quirky, punchy and spiky.
Her lyrics are clear, truthful and focused. She sings about liking men more than is good for her, alcoholism, cutting, living too fast before she’s even hit her twenties. Her lyrics are gutsy, but what stands out is her incredibly strong voice, and her ability to write songs with melodic hooks that won’t let you go. Those tunes, those words… they keep you on the edge. There’s no ego-massaging here, just straight point-blank talent.
The Mookychicks listened to this album while they were in a bit of a musical slump, wondering if there was any good music out there that they hadn’t heard yet but would love forever once they did. It’s a really self-indulgent thought, but they were beginning to worry that the music of the world might have run out.
Ladyland restored their faith in music. Finally, they had a new album where they’d have to repeat each song 3 or 4 times before moving onto the next one. It was all they could ask for.
With 8 truly amazing songs out of 11, Sierra Swan is a songwriter who knows what she’s doing. And she must be very canny for a musical rock godess because we couldn’t find a free mp3 of hers to download anywhere!
Not to worry, though, because once you’ve listened to her stuff, this is an album you’ll probably want to buy.