OMG It’s Marrying Mr. Darcy – the card game!

What in the name of all that’s wonderful is this? Why, dear Reader! It is Marrying Mr. Darcy – the card game!
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Pride and Prejudice readers will have a very firm opinion on the qualities and marriageability of Mr. Darcy – and from this opinion they cannot be swayed.
This audacious card game assumes that you DO wish to marry Mr. Darcy, and marry him (or some other preferred Suitor) you shall!
Unless, of course, circumstances and the machinations of rival players prevent it…
Read more about Marring Mr. Darcy
and buy the Kickstarter-funded game
for only, like, $7!
Marrying Mr. Darcy is the first game designed by Erika Svanoe, conductor, musician, and lover of all things Austen – and the gameplay mechanics for Svanoe’s debut are as deceptively light, elegant and assured as a conversation between friends in an Austen novel. The stunning artwork is provided by award winning illustrator and graphic novelist, Erik Evensen.
Marrying Mr. Darcy is a strategy card game whereby players take on one of the female characters from Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. They then seek to improve themselves and attract the attention of available Suitors, aiming to marry well and achieve much satisfaction by the end of the game…
The gameplay is light and well-structured – much like the charming language and descriptions, which should appeal greatly to discerning Janeites. Players achieve their goals by attending events and improving their characters, but advantages may also be gained by the use of cunning.Though it’s not required, you may find yourself becoming increasingly like a Pride and Prejudice character in manner and deed as gameplay progresses…
The end of the game is unlikely to match the end of the original and best Pride and Prejudice. Dameplay will, nevertheless, capture something of the book’s atmosphere. Players will no doubt feel greatly invested in pursuing their chosen path. Indeed, we defy you to hold back from actually pointing out the faults of your rivals when the card encourages you to do so!
The original Marrying Mr.Darcy card game also features a zombie expansion.