Tag: sexism in media

the bechdel test and women in movies

The Bechdel Test and Women in Movies

Are the Twilight books misogynist

Are the Twilight books misogynist

How Gender Equal is the Alternative Rock Scene?

How Gender Equal is the Alternative Rock Scene?

10 Indie romcoms worth the watch

10 Indie romcoms worth the watch


Girls Rock – The Movie

Gender prejudice in horror films

Gender prejudice in horror films

millenium trilogy

Why I hate the Millenium Trilogy

The portrayal of women in media

The portrayal of women in media

Hacked photos on dodgy websites

Hacked photos on dodgy websites

Dear Three Games Store, Please Rethink Gaming for Girls

Dear Three Games Store, Please Rethink Gaming for Girls

Hulk vs She Hulk... That's My Secret, Captain

Hulk vs She Hulk… That’s My Secret, Captain

Gender prejudice in Social Media

Gender prejudice in Social Media