Halloween hairstyles for witches, vampires and movie stars

Halloween hairstyles: Halloween is a great time to dye your hair and have some fun with it, whether it’s Halloween wigs, spray colour, clip-ins extensions, hair falls or hair dyes…
Halloween. Time for pumpkins, trick-or-treat, broomsticks, bonfires, toffee apples, costume parties and best of all… wild hair colour! So here are some ideas and tips for Halloween hair styles to help you get in the mood and prepare for your party…
Witch Halloween hairstyles?
Traditionally witch’s hair has always been black or green, but if you want to try something different with your hair dye this Halloween, here are a few suggestions.
Pumpkin witch hair: For this cheeky Halloween character, dye your hair orange and add some streaks of black around the front, or if you want something more subtle and have naturally dark hair, just add a streak of orange to the fringe.
White witch hair: For this ‘good girl gone bad’ look, bleach your hair up to blonde and use the Fudge Dye ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’ to get that pure white colour. (Note: NEVER bleach your hair to white, it will fall out.)
Halloween hairstyles tip: If you decide you want to dye you hair black for a classic witch, I would recommend you only use semi-permanent (e.g. 2-3 washes). Permanent black is a massive commitment and should only be removed by a professional.
Thirsty for Vampire hair…
Black hair with a white stripe is the classic vampire hair. For something more modern, try flowing, red, fiery hair like Victoria from the Twilight books.
Lovers of gothic vampire hairstyles take note… did you know that during the Middle Ages it was believed that red hair and green eyes were the sign of a vampire?
Red is the one colour that can make the crossover from the realm of natural hair colours to alternative colour. If you want to stand out and fancy red, try a more vibrant dye – like Special Effects ‘Blood Red’.
If you’re not so daring but you like red, how about dyeing the tips of your hair red, so it looks like they have been dipped in blood?
Halloween hairstyles tip: The great thing with just dyeing the ends of your hair is that they are easily trimmed off later if you have work or school to go back to.
Movie-based ideas for Halloween hairstyles
Film characters are always a favourite at Halloween fancy dress parties. So here are some ideas for film characters with fantastic colourful hair…
The Mad Hatter played by Jonny Depp in the upcoming ‘Alice in Wonderland’ film has the most fantastically curly and fluorescent orange hair. A vibrant hair colour for someone who wants to stand out from the crowd. For this shade I suggest RAW Blood Orange Demi-Permanent Hair Colour.
Why so serious? The Joker as played by Heath Ledger in the latest Batman ‘Dark Night’ has the most sinister, matted, washed-out lime-green hair. Get his wicked look with Manic Panic Electric Lizard Semi-Permanent Hair Dye.
The Corpse Bride (Emily) played by Helena Bonham Carter in Tim Burton’s animated film is a wonderful character for a more classic Halloween costume. Her flowing, midnight blue hair gives her that creepy, cold, undead look. Use True Blue Raw Hair Dye to get this cool hair colour.
Whatever you decide to go for, I hope you have a happy Halloween!
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This beautiful Halloween hairstyle by DarkenFae not only goes for Pumpkin Witch orange hair dye but also makes fantastic use of the cheap Halloween spiders webs you can get in shops around Samhain.
This is more of an emo hairstyle than classic White Witch, but a juxtaposition of white blonde and black is perfect for a Fairily Morticious Halloween.
If you want wild hair for one night only, and don’t want to dye the tips of your hair then cut the tips off for school/work the next day, and don’t want to investigate spray-on wash-off dyes or indeed semi-permanent dyes, then Halloween wigs are the answer.