Undercut Hairstyles – How to do your own undercut and grow it out

Undercut hairstyles video tutorial – learn how to do your own undercut, choose which undercut style suits you and get tips for growing out an undercut.
What is an undercut?
An undercut hairstyle is where a section of the hair is shaved or cut very short, allowing a layer of hair to fall over the shorn area. Are you wondering what a undercut is like, or if it’s right for you? With this article you can think about what undercut style would suit you best and get tips for growing out an undercut. Plus you can see how to do your own undercut at home with a handy video tutorial!
We all loved David Bowie’s undercut in the seventies, and over the years undercut hair has evolved from slightly noticeable to very shaved. Undercuts are commonly accepted in large, diverse cities but if you live in a small town and have an undercut, expect to be given a weird look or an awkward smile; I get those a lot. The good news is that undercut hairstyles are easy to take care of. When you need to fix them up there are many things you can do with the longer part (depending on length). I choose to do a spiral curl with the longer part on mine.
Which undercut hairstyle is best?
An undercut is a personal statement. If you need a sophisticated look for work, you may want to reconsider an undercut you can’t hide with strategically-placed longer hair. You may – depending on your environment – receive negative comments along the lines of ‘an undercut looks trashy/dangerous/blah’. That can’t be helped. But if you do get one, you still want to think aesthetically. What sort of undercut would suit your face?
How thick is your hair? An undercut will suit all face shapes. It just needs to be positioned in a way that will look good on you. However, undercuts remove weight and body so they work especially well with thick hair, not thin, fine hair.
Where to place it? Sides or nape of neck? If you have your undercut on the sides, it looks great but will be noticeable most of the time. If you have it on the nape of your neck at the back, it will only be revealed when you wear an updo (for example a rockabilly high ponytail).
How deep do you want the undercut? Consider how deep you want your undercut to be. A subtle shortening of your hair for an asymmetric look, or something closer to a shave? If you want to be more subtle, you can go for a 4-6mm undercut and talk to your hairdresser about what would work best.
How big should your undercut be? How much area do you want your undercut to cover? Having an undercut just on one side suits a lot of people. You can trim a smaller area, say 2 by 3 inches. Or you can remove most of the hair on one side…
Changed your mind? If you go for an undercut you think is too short, don’t worry – it all grows back. If you go for an undercut you think is too long, that’s okay because you can always have it trimmed shorter until you’re happy with it.
How to do your own undercut: video tutorial
Want give yourself an undercut or undershave? Lootsicle gives herself an undercut in seconds, armed only with a humble pair of scissors and some hair clippers.
STYLE NOT: With a pair of clippers you have more control. With clippers you can do a subtle, quite long undercut (e.g. grade 4 length).
How to grow out an undercut
What do you do when you’re growing out an undercut and it’s about 3 inches long? Here’s some advice from the Mookychick forum members:
- Wear clip-in hair extensions until the undercut grows out to the same length as the rest of your hair.
- Cut the rest of your hair to match the length of the undercut.
- Curl the longer hair and push it over one shoulder, and swirl the growing-out undercut in a 1920s hairstyle, with big swirls framing your face. This is known as pincurls and fingerwaves.
- Wear the top half of your hair down all the time and chop it so it hangs down to the same length as the undercut. It looks just like a bob. Keep it that way until the undercut grows out properly and you really do have a bob.
- Dye the undercut in leopard print. When it grows out even more, dye it a strong colour like pink or red.
- Consider that as an undercut grows back it can actually look nice just as it is. Enjoy it, and don’t worry about it.
If you’re going to a hairdresser to ask for one, bring a picture of the desired look. It’s not hard to find a picture: just google for ‘undercut hair’ images and you’ll find something you like. It may even be a celebrity picture: popularity of the undercut is increasing with models, actresses and singers, celebrities such as Rihanna, Kristen Leanne, Cassie, Mel B, Amelle Berrabah, Alice Dellal, La Roux, Jena Malone, and Hannah Beth. They may feel an undercut gives them an aura of ‘danger’ and ‘being real’. Don’t worry about what celebrities are up to. Think what you like, and if you would like the mix of vulnerability and toughness that an undercut can bring.