Eye make-up tips for all eye shapes – Mookychick

Your eyes are the focus point of your face; You want those blinking beauties to really make an impression. Our how-to guide gives you a quick glossary of eye make-up language then shows you loads of tricks for achieving the perfect look for your individual eye shape.
First, read our glossary of eye make-up language
Harmonising colours: Colours which lie next to each other on the colour wheel. Red and orange are harmonious, as are blue and green. These colour combinations work well together and can be used to achieve a soft and gentle effect.
Complementary colours: Colours which are opposite to each other on the colour wheel. When they are placed together (side by side) they make each other stand out. When mixed together they cancel each other out. When mixed in equal quantities they produce grey.
Hue: Pure colour; Colours in their most vibrant form.
Tint: Hue + White (H+W=TNT)
Tone: Hue + Grey (H+G = TN)
Shade: Hue + Black (H+B = SHD)
Volume: The lightness or darkness of a colour
Highlight – The lightest colour if you’re applying three colours of eyeshadow on your eyes
Mid-tone or Feature colour – Middle-toned colour
Contour – the darkest colour
Mooky eye make-up tip: Start with a neutral matt highlight all over the eye area, from lashes to brow, before applying further colours.
Eye make-up tips for your very own eye-shape
When you’re asked to describe your own eye-shape, it’s easy to be swayed and a little cruel on yourself – or perhaps just unsure. If you’re not sure which eye shape you have, phone a beloved and wise friend.
Almond eyes
This eye shape is characterised by an upswept outer corner.
- HIGHLIGHT – Under the brow arch
- MID-TONE – all over eye lid
- CONTOUR – Outer corner of eyelid
- EYELINER OUTER – Top and bottom of eye
- MASCARA – Top and bottom lashes
Small eyes
Small is not a derogatory term – small eyes can be very pretty indeed!
- HIGHLIGHT -Inner half of eyelid and under brow
- MID-TONE – Outer half of eyelid and in crease
- EYELINER OUTER – The outer corners of eyes
- MASCARA – Top lashes only
- EYELINER INNER – White eyeliner top and bottom
Round eyes
This eye shape is often large and open-looking.
- HIGHLIGHT – Under the brow arch
- MID-TONE – All over eyelid
- CONTOUR – Outer corner of eyelid extended out
- EYELINER OUTER – Top and bottom outer half extended at the ends
- MASCARA – top only concentrating on outer half
Wide-set eyes
Eyes which are spaced out in the face. The goal is to bring the eyes closer together for a more proportioned look.
- HIGHLIGHT – Under the brow arch
- MID-TONE – Lashes to brow on the inner half of the lid
- CONTOUR – Inner corner of eyelid
- EYELINER OUTER – Top only concentrating on corner
- MASCARA – Top and bottom, extended on the centre lashes
- EYELINER INNER- Black or brown eyeliner on the inner corners
Close-set eyes
Eyes which appear close together. In this case, you may wish to use eye make-up to give the illusion of greater space between the eyes.
- HIGHLIGHT – Lashes to brow on inner half
- MID-TONE – Outer half of lid and extended up and out
- EYELINER OUTER – Top and bottom concentrating on the outer corners
- MASCARA – Top and bottom
Deep-set eyes
The opposite of prominent eyes, deep-set eyes recede back into the sockets. The idea is to bring them out and make them pop, which is the term everyone seems to be using about eye make-up nowadays.
- HIGHLIGHT – Inner corner of eye
- MID-TONE – Slightly above crease
- EYELINER OUTER – Very minimal
- MASCARA – Top and bottom lashes
Prominent eyes
- HIGHLIGHT – Inner corner of lid
- MID-TONE – All over lid
- CONTOUR – In crease and outer corner of lid
- EYELINER INNER – black or brown on top and bottom
- MASCARA – Top only extended on the outer half
Droopy/mature eyes
Although droopy eyes that slope downward can be seen at any age, this is sometimes the look of mature eyes of other shapes as well. Eye make-up can make droopy eyes appear livelier.
- HIGHLIGHT – All over the lid
- MID-TONE – In the crease
- CONTOUR – Outer half of lid extended up and over droop
- EYELINER OUTER – On the top only and thicker on the outer corners
- MASCARA – Top only
Mooky eye make-up tip: Avoid shimmers
Turned-down eyes
- HIGHLIGHT – Under brow arch
- MID-TONE – All over lid
- CONTOUR – In crease and outer corner
- EYELINER OUTER – Top only, sweeping up at the ends
- MASCARA – Top lashes only extra on the outer half
Hooded eyes
- HIGHLIGHT – All over from lashes to brow
- CONTOUR – Slightly above crease
- EYELINER OUTER – Top only fine line
- MASCARA -Top lashes only
Hooded eyes (also sometimes also referred to as ‘bedroom eyes’) can give the effect of the eyelid appearing to be partially closed. Hooded eyes can benefit from eye make-up techniques which give them more prominence.
Now grab your eyeliners, shadows and mascara. Take these techniques, wield them like a light sabre and show the whole world what your eyes have to offer.