Chiara Seed

Chiara Seed

Chiara is 15 years old and lives in England. She is hoping that ‘professional reader and movie watcher’ will soon become a legitimate career but will settle for doing it in her spare time.

Articles by Chiara Seed

social media negative positive

The Way We Use Social Media – Negative, Positive or Shades of Grey?

Nod by Adrian Barnes

NOD by Adrian Barnes – Imagine a World without Sleep

The Suicide Shop book review

The Suicide Shop review – dark, offbeat satire by Jean TeulĂ©

climate change is real

Climate change is real – wake up world, America, Trump.

The Italian Saga

The Italian Saga – review

girls can code comic

Girls can code too – it’s about trial & error, not perfection

perception changing

How much are we shaped by the people we know?

gloss marilyn kaye

Gloss – teen romance, fashion and feminism in the 1960s