US gay marriage rights

Proposition 8 seeks to overturn California’s allowance of gay marriage. Since only 3 US states allow gay marriage in the first place, we can’t let the government get away with it.
In the United States, marriage between a homosexual couple is still illegal – except in three states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California.
In May 2008 four judges decided to overturn an eight-year-old ban on gay marriage. Now, however, supporters of ‘traditional’ marriage have decided to put forth a proposition on the upcoming November ballot – Proposition 8 seeks to overturn California’s allowance of gay marriage.
Unfortunately, Proposition 8 has more support. The campaign has got more money, which in turn brings in more supporters. A recent poll done by a newspaper in San Francisco showed that 46% of voters favoured Prop 8, while 42% objected to it. This poll shows that, unfortunately, prejudice still lingers strongly in society.
If the government is going to stand idly around and continue to ignore such a vast minority in the world, then the people have to rise and demand equality.
Most of the people reading this aren’t American, least of all Californian, but getting the word out is a top priority. To see what you can do to help fight for equality visit: