Feminist Tumblr Blogs

Feminism Tumblr – A selection of feminist Tumblr blogs all in one place. We’re helping to reclaim feminism one Tumblr at a time…
This being Mookychick, we think feminism is just common sense. But we’re still going to go on about it, because there’s being a bit feminist and there’s reclaiming feminism by having conversations with each other about big topics as often as possible. So there. As a result, we combined two life-enhancing movements out there – Tumblr and Feminism – to bring you just some of the excellent pro-fem Tumblr blogs out there in the Tumblrsphere. If we’ve missed any good ones off the list, just let us know on Twitter or Facebook.
Also, geek note: Some of you prefer to follow RSS feeds to keep all your favourite thingies in one place. Well, you can still do that with Tumblr. To locate the RSS feed for a Tumblr blog all you need to do is type “rss” after the blog url, eg. http://lipstick-feminists.tumblr.com/rss
- Musings of an Inappropriate Woman – Gala Darling highlighted this one yonks ago. It doesn’t update often, but has more lengthy posts about feminism. It’s a lovely Tumblr full of pop culture journalism.
- Feminism is for lovers – a project that basically involves putting stickers that say “Feminism is for Lovers” on things to help combat the bad press. It combines feminims with pretty pictures. What’s not to love?
- http://lipstick-feminists.tumblr.com/ – The lipstick feminists are so utterly, utterly great. Love them. Love them as much as we do.
- http://f*ckyeahgenderstudies.tumblr.com – Strong sauce! Give it a try.
- http://f*ckyeahfeminists.tumblr.com/
- http://femenergy.tumblr.com/
- http://nihilistidealist.tumblr.com/
- http://clingtomymouth.tumblr.com/
- http://feminaction.tumblr.com/
- http://kungfucarrie.tumblr.com/
- http://thepoliticalpartygirl.com/ She’s a writer for THE DAILY (that’s a big deal)
- http://fashionandfeminism.tumblr.com/
- http://awomansplace.tumblr.com/
- http://rabbleprochoice.tumblr.com/
- http://lostgrrrls.tumblr.com/ – Posts and reposts a lot of content. More words than pics.
- http://skirtonfire.tumblr.com/
- http://socalfeminist.tumblr.com/ – Feminism, Atheist and Vegan posts
Remember – if we’ve missed any good feminist Tumblr blogs, please let us know on Twitter or Facebook and we’ll spread the word.
(Originally from picking-sides)