What I See Project

What I See Project

The What I See Project involves women recording honest videos about what they see in the mirror. Mookychick recorded their own video for the project. You can record your own!

A few weeks ago I had the unique opportunity to take part in a new global movement – the What I See Project.

What I see Project

What I See is a global online project that aims to magnify women’s voices by asking them “what do you see when you look in the mirror?”. Every woman taking part has had a unique, personal and honest answer, and all the videos are thoughtful and intriguing to browse through.

When I was asked to record a video and offer my own answer to the question, the first thing I did, and I did it for science, was to consider my own reflection in the mirror. My immediate response was, naturally: “Urgh, you must be joking. How can I make a video looking like that?”. Ahem. I suspect I was meant to insert an empowering message here. Let’s try again…

Can’t view the video above? Click here.

Of course my first thought was a negative one. I am, after all, a wonderfully average human being, trained by nurture and nature and social expectation and trained by my own flawed self to think negative thoughts when confronted with mirrors! Is it because mirrors are evil? YES, IT’S BECAUSE MIRRORS ARE EVIL.

However, even though mirrors are inherently evil, no denying it, it’s not their shiny fault this time round. This is a tragic comedy of patterns and how difficult they are to break. It’s a story of stories. That long shopping list of unhelpful things I tell myself when I first look in a mirror is a terribly dull story, and the stories worth telling about a person are hidden in plain sight for all to see. In the eyes. This is where a person reveals how they have lived, and how they’re living today, and how they plan to live tomorrow. That’s why, as I get older, I’m getting better at tucking away the mental shopping list and paying attention to a person’s eyes. Including, even, my own.

The What I See Project aims to provide a safe environment where women can share their struggles, achievements and inner thoughts, exploring the concepts of identity and perception. In the space of a year, The What I See Project aims to reach out to as many women as possible, from as diverse a range of locations and walks of life as possible.

I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to submit a video as part of the project. I’m pleased to pass the baton on to the next blogger taking part in the project – Muireann Carey Campbell. Visit her blog at http://spikesandheels.com to read her take on what she sees in the mirror.

Want to get involved in the project? Simply submit your own video, telling your own story – there is a chance to win an invite to the project launch event at the Science Museum on 1 Oct in London.

The Background

The What I See Project is the brainchild of the successful entrepreneur Edwina Dunn, who pioneered worldwide loyalty programmes like Tesco’s Clubcard. Her innate understanding of people led her to found this not-for-profit Project. Even as a powerful role model in her own right, Edwina didn’t feel that she was being heard as much as men in the boardroom. This experience shaped her professionally and personally, so she established The What I See Project to celebrate the inspiring women from everyday life whose stories would otherwise go unacknowledged.

Since launching in February of this year the project has already seen over 500 contributions from more than 350 women across eleven different countries. This community continues to grow everyday.

The Campaign

Over the course of five weeks, from August 27 to October 1, The What I See Project will showcase over 100 unique female voices as part of an awareness campaign.

Ten short documentaries will be released, each one exploring the thoughts and feelings of a woman who has become an outstanding success in their particular profession. A film of these ambassadors will then be premiered on October 1 at The Science Museum.

100 communicators will share their answer to our question and help to publicise the What I See Project and its message. A diverse group of writers, editors, bloggers and communicators from fashion, science, business, politics, art, sport, feminism and motherhood will tell their inspiring stories. Additionally, any members of the public who share their story on the website during the five week period will be in with a chance of attending the event.

Through both ambassadors and communicators, the campaign will highlight real female role models, the everyday heroines whom other women can relate to and admire, and amplify voices that would otherwise go unheard.

Follow What I See Project on twitter @whatiseeproject or on Facebook.