Needlepoint kits

Needlepoint kits

Arts and crafts: Felicity Hall does great needlepoint kits for the modern stitcher, complete with needlepoint stitches and patterns. Make your own needlepoint pillows, like, now!

Felicity Hall needlepoint kits

No more knocking needlepoint! Because Felicity Hall is here to open up needlepoint to a new crowd.

Knitting is already enjoying a fabulous renaissance, with Stitch ‘n’ Bytch and countless others leading the way – not forgetting all those DIY arts and crafts gals meeting up for groundroots knitting sessions in pubs, coming up with grounbreaking arts and crafts ideas to the sound of clicking needles.

Embroidery and needlepoint are not far behind – they’ve come a long way from twee ‘Home Sweet Home’ tapestries and the Women’s Institute.

There is nothing twee about Felicity Hall’s needlepoint kits. She’s created her own lovely range of kits for needlepoint pillows. Her collection will suit both experienced stitchers and needlepoint newbies.

Each needlepoint kit includes everything you need to stitch the design – A quality colour-printed needlepoint canvas, wool, 2 needles, a needle threader and full needlepoint instructions to stitch your pillow. Each needlepoint kit is prettily presented in a minimalist transparent box.

We at Mookychick are massively fond of her Three Swallows needlepoint kit which is perfectly suited to the Etsy girl, and also her metallic, chinese-inspired Butterfly Kaleidoscope kit.

We also love that Felicity Hall is a true DIY gal at heart – she’s allowed us to republish her extremely useful needlepoint instructions which show any needlepoint beginners out there the various needlepoint stitches you can use for your own crafting project.

And her site also includes free needlepoint patterns for you to print out and keep. Jolly good show, Miss Hall!

The featured needlepoint kits start at £60.00 RRP and are available from If you look around you’ll see these kits are actually quite competitively priced for their size and quality / variety of thread – and as a beginner, it’s almost like an arts and crafts course – get a kit and you’ll be a needlepoint expert with your own fine collection of vintage thimbles in no time…

Needlepoint instructions and kits

Needlepoint instructions

Felicity Hall needlepoint kits

Free needlepoint patterns

needlepoint kits - needlepoint pillowsneedlepoint kits - needlepoint pillowsneedlepoint kits - needlepoint pillowsneedlepoint kits - needlepoint pillowsneedlepoint kits - needlepoint pillowsneedlepoint kits - needlepoint pillowsneedlepoint kits - needlepoint pillows

Felicity Hall needlepoint kits

Needlepoint instructions

Free needlepoint patterns