THE MEDUSA PROJECT – Feminist Anthology Call for Submissions

This week we celebrate International Women’s Day with a themed call for submissions that resonate with freedom, choice and equality. We can’t wait to see your work!
“Women, we might as well be dogs baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote!”
—-Susan B. Anthony
Deadline extended until 15th June 2020
- We are NO LONGER accepting poetry submissions
- We ARE accepting artwork, rituals, personal essays and creative non-fiction relating to the Gorgon/Medusa and your interpretation of her.
The Suffrage Movement Celebrates A Milestone
The start of this year marks the beginning of a new decade and the 100th anniversary of The Woman Suffrage Movement’s victory in getting the right to vote. The movement, spearheaded by Susan B Anthony and her loyal followers, has been a milestone that led to one of the critical amendments in the US constitution. The right to vote speaks about freedom of choice and equality.
Women have been fighting for so long for their rights. The struggle has become even more crucial in the current political climate. With so many powerful movements spearheaded by women in the last few years and the blatant violation of women’s rights brings out the urgency for women’s equality.
We want you to help us celebrate the 100th anniversary of this powerful day. Mookychick is calling all the writers of all genders to submit writing which resonates with the feeling of freedom, choice, and equality.
What are we looking for?
Deadline: 24th April
We want writing that reflects your struggle to finally achieve a position of equality. Tell us about your continued effort to carve a position in the patriarchal society. We want to hear from all the women, trans and non-binary people who are still fighting for their equality in-home, in-office and in their communities.
You are leading from the front or becoming the necessary thrust behind a movement, whoever you are. We honour who show up with their protest signs in the sweltering heat or stand up on the podium in the coldest of the days. Those who become a role model for their children for generations to come and becomes a voice for the unspoken and the unheard.
We honour those people who cannot take time out from their livelihood, their commitments, their chronic pain and all manner of challenges to celebrate International Women’s Day by any other means than simply getting on with it.
We are looking for work across all genres including poetry, prose, fiction, creative non-fiction and essays. Submissionswill close on 15th June 2020.
The Medusa Project: Ebook Anthology
We’ll be selecting submitted works to be published in a forthcoming eBook anthology, entitled The Medusa Project and edited by Juliette van der Molen and Megha Sood. The Medusa Project will be available to download for free.
Works selected for The Medusa Project will also be published on Mookychick.
The Medusa Project will aim for publication in 2020… watch this space!
How to submit
Take a look at our general submission guidelines then send in your things. Be sure to address your submission to the appropriate editor listed on our Masthead.