Poetry by Ashini J. Desai: Mermaids Among Us

Mermaids Among Us
The next generation of women was born
with feet like eggplants.
They married men of the Soil, had
a child born of the Earth and they
stood on the chilly plains with lean legs.
Yet in the moonlight, their blood
ebbed and flowed with the sea.
Their tears were like salty jewels.
They didn’t know why they craved
the sonorous music of blue oceans,
the flavour of green kelp and
the sage teachings of the dolphins.
They adorned themselves with coral
and shells, yet felt empty.
“This is absurd,” they murmured.
With feet planted on the still and dry ground,
they hid this story deep inside.
They gave generously to the Earth,
divided themselves to attend the needs of the Soil.
In their dreams, they heard the call of the Ocean.
Their legs returned to their natural state, and
they flipped, jumped and warmed their souls in waters
caressed by the moon.