Poetry by Evelynn Black: Footnotes on Schizophrenia
Footnotes on Schizophrenia
I dreamt waking always in a blue haze caught & pressed blankly in the morn
sweltering alongside the bleak light rippling along that which is along side streets
& main streets & the bellowing of traffic which is the lyric state of the world
I see you in the glass of this horned city great sheets of it rising lucid
into the air I recall once that time in the diner cheap coffee too hot
with taste of human longing a thing lodged in the throat & hadn’t slept
& you asked if I wanted breakfast just to spend some time with you
it’s always blue this starting memory something of the color of it
last to be named, last to be discovered
with you who barely exist now all the soul kept sacred in the fiery machinations of the mind
and I in the morning of it unable to wake the repose of our difference I think to have a whole world leafing out to annex just one i from it
that central stem of self the long line from which grows out LIFE would be a fine thing
one night I hallucinated writing on the walls of my room
it was that time I knew the walls of my mind & the shape of distress
each word over and over spelling KILL ME on every surface
& what is there to do in that time
but paralysis birds in the bathroom birds all year
& all my memories uncertain gone through these red leaves
the only sign of nature between tall buildings
one time I dreamed a private cove
on the shore of the world where I could whisper
my secrets to you & was safe from the caustic blank of the sun
& everything was cloudy safe
I told the sea there I had no control over my mind
& it told me to go where the weather vane points so many beautiful directions
& we are the wind
in the psych ward
where the sojourners of the mind go on
opening the heavens finding nothing & weeping there upon that god might be found in tears
or in the ridges of the brain or muck or plasm or the shirtsleeves of catastrophe
instead of the spiral of self eventually telling what was sacred was found
in risperidone / lamictal / effexor / seroquel / abilify
god of a clean mind god of white pills god in a pile of orange bottles
him wanting to weep the blind man’s tears for the torn precipice of reality
hunted by demons & the blue skull in the flicker world
how a sight seen over the shoulder multiplies disgorges
the black roots of disquiet spelling out
chaosmos / coriander / cobalt / mind
in epistle to the frozen harbor of our lost generation
struck with the curious nature of dreams
unable to tell memory from dream from hallucination from reality
only able to write it all down & find out whether it was a vision
or whether memory meant the use of one’s mind
in service of another listing out
woven / woke / won’t / oval / laved / loved / lucid / zero / end
god produces nothing but movement in this era
he comes slack as snow intrepid
intrepid intrepid lord the lord is intrepid
out of kindness in the arid morn I felt unheavy
somnambulant solemn a sweaty simulacrum or a brilliant light
the rain slides like bullets through the light
I am obsessed with light how in dark places the stark & sudden room goes
light light light light light light light light light
& erased what I came to call the erratum of my body a shoddy sketch of photons with
the word repeated only
so many times as the mind has capacity for repetition is not endless
nor an infinite capacity for repetition
I have to say it right, but nothing there delineates
what’s right god echoes in the distance
another sermon mounts black clouds
shift rain, there was a time I had to go home
and was so afraid I hadn’t locked the door
there was a time I had to go home
so afraid I hadn’t locked the door
god to have so many corridors to have fallen among them aside them apart them
there is a way that washing makes it better, opens up
I’ll wash my hands of this dry as they are
I used to think that largeness was what made of god a good thing
that his vastness was what we had hungered after all this time
granting the psychosomatic origin of what in the paper morning
always a time of day for me this urge of the day as the day is paper
something so easily torn crumpled & written on
somehow it went by an open sea where laved these waves over itself on the shore over earth
HEAR THE ART somehow writ on earth again apart / aside / apart
rift this paper skyline from a paper sky
at the concert I looked over to find you smiling
some song about the pressure of life & continuation & how we all go on regardless
& you had the most most beautiful blue I’d ever seen I was dumb for you in that moment
spasmodic modicum erratic error stasis strike
chaos chiasmus servant of a stricken green corpse
you have to see it she said you have to and the worst part was I never believed her
I looked for it in painters the hopeful lines of Klee angels caught in the rush backward
covered over in material history or the advent of the thinking eye
the letters of van Gogh to his brother Theo advising him out of love to eat bread
such a stringent life rolls inward
give me toward it in a better ward but little have I learned
you tell me hope is a small opal lodged in the folds of the brain
that the cosmos has a lyric structure & all other concepts are misconceptions
in an anxious sky
how beautiful that there should be anything at all
a field of clover on the heart of the universe