Poetry by Jack B. Bedell: Hungry Dark: A Twin Peaks Triptych

Hungry Dark: A Twin Peaks Triptych
•Nothing Beats the Taste Sensation When Maple Syrup Collides with Ham
There’s real truth to that, Agent Cooper, and to the ice cold of a dead woman’s hand. But what fires could dream-truth light? What pretty song would you remember upon waking, and could the steps of that dance still lead your way? Enjoy your coffee while it’s hot. Take two sips if you can. And quick bites of your pie before the testimony rolls in. Just keep stacking plates and empty drinks as you go. Your dream soul will stay on the case. Let him follow those tracks left on the road. For sure, you two will meet up soon.
•That’s Our Waldo
I wonder what the bird remembers when it croaks out “Laura.” Does the sound of a flash bulb pop in its mind as the name begins in its throat? Can it feel her cold skin on the bottoms of its feet? Smell her perfume for just a moment before it rolls that RRR-ahhh? It has to think about her eyes. Everyone does. It has to connect that name to her laugh. Mynas are smart enough to count. It knows how many hands were in that last room, how many fingers wrapped around her neck, how many breaths she took before the cloth was thrown over its cage, before everything became stale air, hungry dark, and the naked sound of an empty cabin.
•This Is the Water, and This Is the Well
—The Return, E8
Spread your smile, girl, and open your throat a bit to let the truth slide all the way in. It will fold its wings and swim tight circles in your belly. Like the trembling radio told each one of us, Drink full and all will end. Swallow hard to help. That locust’s come across the desert just for you. It’s waited 11 falls to crack its shell and drag itself through white sand to your window, so rest your head. Let the others bleed. No need to worry about ghosts. The sun will sort them out in the morning. You’ve got growing to do now with this new burden, and all it’s set to unleash.
About the poetry
This triptych is inspired by the acclaimed television series Twin Peaks created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. The second poem “That’s Our Waldo” will appear in the Twin Peaks inspired poetry anthology, These Poems Are Not What They Seem. Look for this book in 2020, edited by Kristin Garth and Justin Karcher, published by APEP Publications.