Poetry by Susan L De Miller: Human Qualities of Endurance

Poetry by Susan L De Miller: Human Qualities of Endurance

Human Qualities of Endurance


A lexandra,
B olted from the braided rug
C overed then by cobblestone.
D reaming of Daphne, the
E ast wind exile, who’s
F ortunes are told by the touch of a firefly wing.
G host Girl, Virgin of the
H igh Sea, surrounded by Holy Water
I ncense smelling of
J asmine, tasting like a
K iss under a
L emon tree,
M ad magic of the
N orth wind
O ffering
P ort and plum wine with
Q uail and a
R uined red earth. Her
S heepskin shroud stained
T omato red by her blood.
U nspeaking
V ipers
W eave westerly to
X ray her forgotten
Z enith

Author’s Note

This poem came from a personal challenge to use words found in a list written in the book “The Little Mariner” by Odysseas Elytis. This book was translated by Olga Broumas. I found the words in this list delicious, a feast for the tongue. The words are also a visual banquet, conjuring myth and legend. I had read briefly about abecedarian poems and with the list at hand, I constructed the first draft. I set it aside for a few years and recently pulled it out of my notebook. The magic was still there. I brushed the dust from it, edited it, and the final result is what you all see.