never take advice from a quote collector #PoetryCave

Poem by P Grudens
never take advice from a quote collector
when people tell me that everything happens for a reason I want to punch them in the face. why the fuck do children get cancer
and dogs run away
and people die who are the sole anchors of your lasting sanity? why the fuck are there random terrorist bombings
and drive by bullet deaths
and people who leave you even though they promised a hundred times that they wouldn’t?
why are there orphans and plane crashes and life-threatening diseases and cheating spouses and overdoses and homeless veterans looking to start over—
I want someone to just fucking explain this to me. I want someone to just fucking explain to the coping parent of a child in a coma from a simple sports injury that tragedies are simply meant to be.
blanketing a grieving person with the false notion that their struggles are part of a much bigger plan is a decorative way of blaming them for being alive.
but guess what?
you don’t always deserve the bad that happens to you.