Penelope – Poetry by Kristin Garth
Bisexual boarding school blushes, tea and devotion… read ‘Penelope’, a poem by Kristin Garth.
Penelope, they exile thee, Vermont,
to blizzards, bunks to board with me. A lass
less regal, you eschew, no debutante,
no bonds, no blood of blue. A commoner, crass
without a dress, your silks, tiaras, carved
oak chest. I’ve just my smile to match your pout.
It’s not your style to go without. You’re starved
for service, no chauffeur or maid. Devout
devotion, hair I brush and braid. “A dress
for you,” so tiny, tight, taffeta black
and flared with collar white. Tea for mistress
I pour just right with macaroons. A snack
by fingers fed upon your lap each night.
Delight of frocks and favors — dread daylight.