The Rule Of The House – Audio Poetry by Kristin Garth

The Rule Of The House - Audio Poetry by Kristin Garth

The Rule of the House

His towels, black; yours are the red — she gives

a tour that ends inside a bed.  New dom’s

live-in girlfriend instructed to show missives

visiting submissives should know.  Welcomes

with pats of percale, dainty hand. Present

yourself servile to spread leg demands.  The

rule of this house: you obey all.  Submit

to her fingers, shaved cunt babydoll.  He’ll

cite this demeanor, passivity as

cause for escalating hostilities.

Her hatred predates this you know because

emerging, red towel, to his obscenities,

first time he breaks your skin atop this bed,

lying, she says I told her his are the red.