Two Poems by Thea Matthews

SUNFLOWERS | Helianthus annuus
these Sunflowers scatter their romanian seeds
across the flat fields of hungary their faces face East.
when Sun rises so do their necks their shoulders
their fingers stretch arms embrace each other they stand firm
close to each other some touch & dislike the close proximity
yet they do not fight attack each other with words
gun down their mirrors with seeds. they trust their formation.
when one is imbalanced time spirals for the one to readjust position.
did these Sunflowers learn this maneuver from poland’s
slanted wheat? or perhaps from lithuania’s tall stoic corn fields?
either way they are in peace: a continuous practice: the knowing
I stand beside you not over or underneath not
clenching till I grind teeth not avoidance or denial only
the simple truth–– we are all on our way
& not at the same pace do we all turn to face the Sun.
CHRYSANTHEMUMS | Chrysanthemum morifolium
& She pours breaks the sky with tears cracks windchimes with her teeth She beats on my front door feeble walls rooftops windowsills tremble . I am left shaking entangled in the violaceous clusters of Her hair.
my body remembers at night alone body freezes one eye remains open when asleep stomach habitually stressed tight hurts to digest & release legs stiff knees crack heart palpitates ears easily hear a cough thru walls cries thru buildings. (I swore I was getting better)
I surrender nearby loitering trees I bathe in Moonlight.
my body remembers. the petrichor the reassurance the hope
one day this body will know Love.
About Thea’s Poetry
These poems are from a manuscript that is currently in the final editing stages called (I bring you) FLOWERS. Thea is currently searching for a publisher and hopes to have this collection published sometime in 2020. Be sure to visit her website for more information on current and future projects!