Women, I don’t care
Get your feminist buzz on with Corrie Burton’s poemifesto. It cares.
Women, I don’t care
I don’t care if you are fat or thin.
I care that you are healthy.
I don’t care if you have a career, or a family, or neither, or both.
I care that you are fulfilled.
I don’t care if you are gay, straight, or bi.
I care that you are honest with yourself about who you love.
I don’t care if you are married, single, in one relationship or more.
I care that you are in the situation you want and need.
I don’t care if you wear make-up or not.
I care that when you look in the mirror, you see yourself.
I don’t care if you have sex for love or for fun.
I care that you have it on your terms.
I don’t care if you grow your pits or wax them bare.
It’s only hair.
I don’t care
What you do
With your face,
Your body,
Your time,
Your life.
I only care
That it felt true,
That it didn’t hurt others,
And was good for you.