Mookychick is 9 Today. Happy Birthday.

with love from Mookychick Central
Mookychick… is 9 today? Wow. All we can say is THANK YOU.
Have an iced bun. Have a cuppa tea. Pop your party streamers and don your most fabulous attire inside-out. Happy biffday to us!
Thank you so, so much to everyone who has helped Mookychick reach the La Grande Dame age of 9. That’s probably 90 in internet years, isn’t it? Wow. Now we feel as awesome as the Golden Girls.
It’s time to blow out the candles and count our many, many birthday blessings…
- Setting up an annual feminist flash fiction competition has been a joy. Providing an opportunity for talented writers to give voice to their opinions is pretty cool.
- Coming together to build a safe community haven both on and offline has been an experience that’s hard to put into words.
- Posting pretty much every week for the past 9 years has been totally down to the 500+ contributors who make our inbox sparkle with untold riches. Oh! You know, if you’re not a contributor yet, there’s always room in the kingdom for 1 more.
- The podcast was a lovely wee adventure and we quite fancy trying that again actually.
- The mookymeets have been wonderful. Mooks have gathered from UK, Ireland, Scandinavia and THE WORLD IN GENERAL TM.
- As our voice has grown, we’ve been delighted to support the other feminist and alternative communities out there with their difference-making campaigns.
- In 9 years, our love affair with fancy bright and patterned tights has not diminished. TIIIIIIIIIIGHTS!
- In 9 years we’ve had all the feels in our rollercoaster ride, but one emotion overrides all: we will never stop celebrating. Authenticity. Individuality. Inclusivity. These things are worth celebrating whenever and wherever possible. Let us, all of us, never stop.
Now hang on a minute. 9 years old? You’re having a laugh, surely? What… you mean… seriously?
And it was all down to you.
Thank you.