20 Bjork tweets to remind us just how much we love her

Bjork is so special to us, she is our very favourite kukl. Her Twitter feed is full of wonder, so here are 20 Bjork tweets to make your heart big with love!
Bjork = philosophy|music|style. When one evolves, the others do too. And ‘evolve’ is the right word because Bjork is so utterly aware of herself as a natural lifeform. Back when we were baby mooks we made Bjork our icon of the week, and she is still always and forever more our great love and our very favourite kukl*. Her tweets are so full of wonder and exploration, we’ve shared 20 that make us love her all over again!
1. Of course Bjork knows when the equinox is. Such a nature child.
happy to tell you i will be singing in royal albert hall on the fall equinox. i know. it is bragging. spoiled brat. pic.twitter.com/eOnfepDPzM
— björk (@bjork) July 19, 2016
2. The album Vulnicura documents the end of a relationship – so raw – but Bjork has so much warmthness to give.
vulnicura live album is all ready for you ! warmthness . b . https://t.co/GLa1ad148C pic.twitter.com/FJN0Sjfmhb
— björk (@bjork) June 14, 2016
3. Our priestess! And yet she needs no title. She simply is.
accept all happiness from me
then I shall turn my face
and hear one bird sing terribly afar
in the lost lands pic.twitter.com/fPpaT1oF8o
— björk (@bjork) May 4, 2016
4. Bjork the protector stands up for the wildnerness and boosts the signal always and forever…
sign the petition to help iceland stop the destruction of its wilderness. no matter where you’re from, you can help! https://t.co/RQNuq8kl6h
— björk (@bjork) November 6, 2015
5. Bjork stands up for ALL the wilderness. As above so below.
the ocean is like family: it’s where we came from, we must take care of it so it can take care of us #worldoceansday https://t.co/k5v5tRjSYy
— björk (@bjork) June 8, 2015
6. Bjork lives in the real world. She knows.
” you’re not just imagining things . it’s tough . everything that a guy says once , you have to say five times . ” pic.twitter.com/0ankhLIfc8
— björk (@bjork) October 28, 2015
7. Of course Bjork wants to reach out and talk to philosophers. She is living our dream.
i reached out to the philosopher timothy morton to see if he would be interested to start a dialogue with me …. http://t.co/hgIALiTO2b
— björk (@bjork) July 24, 2015
8. Whenever Bjork the explorer heads into the studio or out of the door we yearn to know what she will bring back from her travels this time.
i feel at home whenever the unknown surrounds me http://t.co/xxaFjJ0SJ4
— björk (@bjork) March 13, 2015
9. Two words – WITCH. QUEEN.
” my album covers are like tarot cards ” http://t.co/cwDOWKz4gT pic.twitter.com/FonrCmA6LP
— björk (@bjork) March 7, 2015
10. If Bjork was a Tarot card, which would she be though? Bjork melds art and science like the ultimate alchemist. So maybe ‘Art’ in the Thoth deck by Lady Frieda Harris would be a good fit. It’s all about the structures…
“The core of biophilia is comparing structures in nature with musical structures .” pic.twitter.com/Vj373VmWOx
— björk (@bjork) December 8, 2014
11. The Biophilia project got factored into Nordic education as a means to boost interest in science through music technology. That’s a lesson we’d love to attend.
björk talked about the biophilia educational program with iceland’s foremost publication, the reykjavik grapevine: http://t.co/RhRJ4qfz6V
— björk (@bjork) September 19, 2014
12. Hell yeah, she supports other creatives.
judah adashi is a cellist who listened to ‘unravel’ & heard a new song inside it – listen to the song here: http://t.co/wGjexlhKJa
— björk (@bjork) September 25, 2014
13. It’s all so quiet…
shake us out of the heavy deep sleep
do it now! pic.twitter.com/aR3KTgxmPv— björk (@bjork) April 29, 2013
14. She makes us feel like anything is possible.
declare independence! don’t let them do that to you! pic.twitter.com/Ne2SJWc5x7
— björk (@bjork) February 27, 2013
15. We’re feeling this one.
a lot of the time i get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in. björk, 2005 pic.twitter.com/oPox5KRHF7
— björk (@bjork) February 22, 2013
16. Yep.
support #pussyriot and free speech: http://t.co/E4yPkkqA
— björk (@bjork) August 24, 2012
17. Bjork means business.
” i became the union leader for sound in a visual environment . ” http://t.co/DLM4cde9jF
— björk (@bjork) February 27, 2015
18. Of course we had to talk about her style at some point! Ursula from Disney’s Little Mermaid needs to be re-envisioned like this.
dark matter envelopes björk in belgium. pic.twitter.com/s47FAGRD
— björk (@bjork) August 17, 2012
19. If you get trapped in a rock that grows around you for the next three centuries, Bjork will get you out. That’s how liberating she is.
it’s about this other, shamanic, kind of liberating character that sleeps somewhere inside us that’s dying to get out http://t.co/NtiJLjhCS5
— björk (@bjork) May 6, 2015
20. Bjork is beyond brand. She is pure artist. That’s why her name is on our lips today and every day.
many warm thankyous for your love and support – björk is the brit awards’ best international female of 2016 ! pic.twitter.com/OFaIq3pp3O
— björk (@bjork) February 24, 2016
*’Kukl’ means ‘witch’ in Icelandic.
Bjork’s album Vulnicura is available on Amazon and all good places.